Page 106 of Cheater

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“Shouldn’t a woman decide who she wants to marry?” Alannah counters.

“And the only thing holding Chloe back is Hallman. If he weren’t a factor, she’d be all in to explore a relationship with me. The chemistry between us is off the charts, and she knows it. Don’t you, baby?”

I don’t answer.

Alannah continues. “You’ve been exhibiting some troubling signs though. You feel like you’re stable? Were you on medication that you’ve stopped? Do you see a therapist, Derek?”

“Me and therapy don’t exactly gel,” Derek replies. “Been there, done that. Not interested. What I am interested in is Chloe. Can I make a suggestion?”

Alannah jerks her chin up.

“Watch and see what happens.” He shrugs. “I’m glad you care. I’m glad Chloe’s had you. She still does and I’m not looking to disrupt that. So, watch and see how things transform. It might take a little time for me to win her over, but I’m prepared to put in the work. Show your support. Come stand up as a witness on Monday. I’m sure you planned to be her maid of honor when she was gonna marry that unseasoned potato, right?”

Alannah looks startled for a second and she looks like she’s fighting laughter at how Derek’s calling Adam what she first coined.

Derek shrugs again. “Give it time. See what happens.”

“This should all be Chloe’s choice,” Alannah volleys.

“Chloe doesn’t always do what’s good for her. She has a history of doing what’s good for everyone else. You’ve known her a long time. Am I wrong?”

Alannah tips her head as if she’s agreeing. This makes my back straighten.

“She needed me to step in,” Derek goes on, then he smears butter on the griddle and starts pouring portions of pancake batter onto it.

Alannah looks at me, sets her coffee mug on the table and grabs my hand. “You haven’t said anything. Talk to me. Are you okay?” She looks into my eyes.

“No,” I say simply.

“How has he hurt you?” She’s looking at me like she thinks I’m afraid to answer. “You don’t have to be afraid. I told Jeffy I was coming. If he doesn’t hear from me soon he’ll start to fret.”

“Check in with him,” Derek calls over. “Let him know everything’s fine here.”

“Chloe? You’ve hardly said a thing. Are you afraid to speak?” Alannah asks, ignoring Derek.

I clear my throat. “Right now I’m reeling. Mostly hurt at the turn of events with Adam last night. I don’t want to get into specifics because it might make me vomit. Let’s just say it’s not easy to process how easy it was for him to take Derek’s generous offers which include a million bucks when we celebrate our one year wedding anniversary along with a whole lot of career opportunities, medical help, and so on.”

Derek waves the spatula. “That’s what I’m sayin’.”

Alannah jolts with shock.

I continue, “He knew he was dealing with a psycho who was very determined, especially with how the evening began. We-”

“Now, now, Chloe,” Derek says. “Some things are personal.”

“Are you threatening her? Because this has me concerned. Let her talk to me,” Alannah clips.

“She’s free to talk to you,” Derek retorts. “That’s why you’re here. If I didn’t want her to talk to anyone I could’ve already swept her out of the country, taken her somewhere very private. But I’m not here to tear her life apart. I’m here to make it better. But there are some sensitive topics best left between the two of us. And Hallman.”

“It was dramatic. Derek seems to have a flair for the dramatic,” I mutter.

He takes an exaggerated bow, rolling his hand, then he turns and flips pancakes one at a time, like he’s done it a million times.

Someone knocks on the door and all three of us look that way.

Derek goes to the door and opens it just a few inches. “Not now, Grace,” he says angrily.

Alannah looks at me. “Who’s there?” she calls out like the pot-stirrer she is.

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