Page 66 of Shake You

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“What the fuck does that even mean, for God’s sakes?”

“I have zero idea. I just know it was enough to get us shut down pretty much instantly, so yeah...”

“Fuck. Okay, well I gotta go see if I can fix this. I haven’t seen the email, or spoken to anyone. Where’s Beau?”

“Probably on his way to torch Bear’s room.”

“Fuck. I obviously need to fix this shit with the paper as a matter of priority, so could you please do me a favor and tell him I’m okay, and to call off the dogs? The last thing I need right now is things erupting between those two, adding to the almighty shitstorm of my life.”

“Of course. I’ll call him as soon as we get done here.”

“Okay, thank you. We’re done. I’ll call and update you both later.”

“‘Kay, speak then.”

“See ya.”

I fired up my laptop and logged into my email, and sure enough, there was one from the Dean, notifying me that they were investigating the paper, based on information they had received suggesting involvement in issues of national security. At the time the email was sent—at around 2 p.m.—they’d already been to the office and seized “hardware,” which I assumed to be computers, the server, and external hard drives. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

Apparently, all of this was possible without warning or warrant, under a special dispensation clause of the college’s charter. If I didn’t detest these people I was up against, I’d definitely be giving them props for sheer determination and ingenuity.

It was clear, just as Bear had said, that I was dealing with sharp minds and an iron will. Well, they were dealing with the same, so they could continue to come at me. I was in this thing for the long haul, and would fight them every step of the way.

I headed over to the Herald’s office, as fast as my legs would carry me and the need to breathe would allow. I arrived in record time, red-faced, sweaty, and barely able to fill my lungs. Once inside, my suspicions were confirmed. The place had been cleared out, albeit neatly done. Our two working MACs, plus a third which was used solely as our server, and the multiple hard drives we used for backup were all gone. All that, and we had an issue due in a matter of days. Fuck my life.

After taking some time to survey the damage, all the while fighting back tears, I kicked my ass into gear.

“Good afternoon, Heathcote University Dean Rogers’s office. This is Maree speaking.”

“Good afternoon Maree. This is Honey St George.” There was a long pause. “The editor of The Heathcote Herald.”

“Oh, hello, how may I help you?”

“I was wondering if the Dean was available to speak to me briefly? It’s a matter of some urgency. He’ll know what it pertains to.”

“Please hold, I will confirm his availability.”

“Thank you.”

“Hello, this is Dean Rogers. What can I do for you, Ms. St George? Though I suspect I already know the reason for your call.” Of course he did. What else would I want to speak to him about? I’d never needed to talk to him, and hadn’t ever anticipated needing to, until that point.

“Good afternoon Dean Rogers. Yes, predictably, I’m calling regarding the seizure of the newspaper’s hardware earlier. I’m sorry, but unfortunately, I have been indisposed for the larger part of the day, and have only just caught up with events, or else I would have called sooner. I’m completely shocked. Are you able to please elaborate on what has happened?”

“There isn’t much more to tell than what was in the email I sent you. I presume you’ve seen that?”

“Yes, but—”

“Well, then, you know what there is to know. We have reason to believe that personnel connected to the newspaper have been engaging in activities that compromise national security, and as such, have had to take swift action, in accordance with our protocols.”

“And by ‘personnel’ am I safe to assume you mean me?”

“I can’t reveal that information.”

“I’ll take that as a yes. Obviously, I know that I have engaged in no such activity—or certainly not knowingly, as I’ll admit, I am not sure specifically what activity is considered to constitute a risk to national security. I am sure, however, that I have neither broken the law, nor transgressed college protocols.” I’d always dotted my i's and crossed my t's when it came to college processes and procedures. It would be difficult to find someone who stuck to the rules as much as me. The college was notorious for its red tape, but I made sure I waded through it all, and covered my ass over and over, which was why I was so confident in saying that I’d done nothing wrong.

“How ironic that just last night I was considered worthy of attending the Hawthorn Reception, then, less than twenty-four hours later, I’m apparently public enemy number one.” And by ironic, I meant a total croc of bull crap. “Can you please outline what specifically I am being accused of?”

“I’m not at liberty to elaborate on that at this time.”

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