Page 30 of Shake You

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As I came to and opened my eyes, I was face-to-face with Bear, who’d reared up taller on his knees. He leered at me, clearly amused, as he exaggeratedly wiped his mouth on the back of his hand and licked his lips as though they were covered with the sugar of one thousand donuts.

“You want to know what’s funny?” I did not want to know. I wanted to get the fuck out of there and pretend the whole episode had never happened. I shook my head, but even as I did, I had a feeling he was going to tell me anyway. “Weirdly, for a guy named Bear, I don’t like honey. Never have. I literally couldn’t stand it. Until now, that is. This Honey, I could eat all day, every day.”

Dear God, I know I’m a sinner, and don’t actually even believe you exist, but if you do, please prove yourself and kill me now. I waited, but gave up after a few moments when I hadn’t been struck dead. More evidence to confirm my view that God was a total crock. Not that I needed more proof, with the upbringing I’d had.

In lieu of blessed salvation in the form of instant death, I settled for glowing beet red, pulling at my PJs in a totally too little, too late attempt to claw back some sort of modesty, and avoiding eye contact at all costs. It was the only way if I was to have any chance of even being able to vaguely look myself in the eye in the mirror, ever again.

“Hey, don’t be all coy on me now. After the side I’ve seen of you today, both here and on the hike, there’s no pretending to be shy and retiring. Besides, I think people heard you four suburbs away, so nobody would believe it if you tried. I mean, I can’t say I’m not a little surprised, because I am. I in no way figured you for a screamer—not even close, in fact. But I’m adult enough to admit when I’ve made a mistake, especially when it’s a mistake as freaky-hot as this one. Even more so when that mistake benefits me.”

I was back to wishing I was dead, or thinking I was going to die of embarrassment, but when I looked back at Bear and noticed that at some point he’d freed his huge dick from the confines—albeit loose—of his gray sweats, and was slowly pumping it as we spoke, I momentarily forgot my embarrassment.

Chapter 17


“Tell me, when this plan was cooked up, did any of you boneheads think about the possibility of Ms. St George storming over to my room as soon as she discovered that feather, to tear me a new one?” As I looked around Xavier’s room at the other guys, my inquiry was met with a deafening silence. “I thought not. Well, for the record, that’s what fucking happened. She was so angry, she forgot to get dressed, first. She came tearing across the campus wearing her fucking pajamas.

“Don’t tell me you didn’t love getting a home visit from her.”

“Whether I did or didn’t enjoy the pleasure of her unexpected company is beside the point.”

“So what exactly is the point?” Xavier was starting to lose patience.

“The point is that as far as she’s concerned, I’m the face of Cygnus.” I knew my choice of words would piss him off, and it wasn’t by accident. “So I’m the focus of her negative energy when it comes to all this shit. She was fucking fuming about that feather. I mean crazy pissed. I’m surprised that there weren’t actual flames coming from her nose.” I chuckled. “Anyway. the fact is, you’ve all lumbered me with the ‘pleasure’ of dealing with the fallout every time she has a bone to pick with all of Cygnus.”

“Oh my God.” Drew looked at me for a long moment, his eyes narrowed suspiciously.


His prolonged stare was making me feel weird.

“You fucked her.” It was a statement, not a question.

“You had one goddamned job, and you screwed it up. Jesus Christ Bear, you fucking promised!”

“I didn’t promise. You guys instructed, and I half-assed agreed, just to keep you off my back. I told you all it was a stupid plan, but none of you listened.”

“So you screwed her to spite us, or teach us a lesson, or some demented shit?” Xavier jutted his chin toward me as he spoke.

“What? No. What do you take me for? I nailed her because she’s fine as a motherfucker, and after a three-hour hike, I was pissed off and thirsty in more ways than one. We were there in this clearing, just me, her, and a handily situated tree stump. The only person you could have sent up that hill and expected not to do her would have been some sort of saint. And I’ll be honest, as hot and angry as the sex was, I’d do it again in a heartbeat. Not even sorry.”

“Yeah, I get that. Been there, done that, got the battle scars to prove it. I guess we can’t begrudge you one slip-up, especially after you took one for the team on that hike.”

“One for the team? You’re kidding me, right? Apart from the time I was boning her senseless, they were without a doubt the longest hours of my entire life, bar none. Man, except when I’m buried inside her, that girl is painful as all hell. It wasn’t one for the team, it was an entire season, plus playoffs.”

“Wait. You said, ‘when I’m inside her’.”

“Yeah, so?”

“So, that’s present continuous, not past.”

“Glad to know you were paying attention in eleventh grade English. What’s your point?”

“My point is that it doesn’t sound like a one and done kind of thing. What’s the deal between the two of you?” Kane eyed me sharply.

“Deal? There is none. She hates my guts, and minus the times I’m plunging my dick into her, we’re even Stevens—I feel the exact same way. It’s a circle of mutual hatred.”

“So it wasn’t just one for the team, in more ways than one, was it?”

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