Page 24 of Shake You

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“We’re making out. Who said anything about sex? We’re not going t—”

“Stop lying to yourself. This is as on as it’s ever been between two people. More, even. And that’s cool. We fuck. We get all that shit out of our systems, then we never talk about it, or anything else for that matter, again. You stay out of my way, and I’ll stay out of yours, and it will be like it never happened. Simple.”

“You’re insane.” So was I for even kissing him. “I’m not having sex with you, anywhere, but especially not here.” I spread my arms, indicating to the clearing we’d stopped at to catch our breath at the end of the uphill hike.

“You keep telling yourself that. Meanwhile, in the real world, this was always going to happen. It was a case of when, not if.” He actually was crazy. “Besides, what’s insane about two people who have chemistry fucking because they want to, and because they can? I’ll let you into a little secret, too—this is what bears do in the woods.” He grinned hard, overly pleased with his little joke, which it pained me to admit, was pretty damned funny.

“That’s the thing, I don’t want to.”

“Who are you still trying to convince—me or yourself? Because from where I’m standing, your body language is telling a totally different story.”

Dammit. He had a point. It wasn’t that I didn’t want him. Quite the opposite, in fact. I didn’t want to want him, but I did. A lot.

“Okay. But we never speak of this again.”

“I wasn’t exactly thinking of taking out an ad in The Herald, though I guess I have an ‘in’ there now if I do need to.” He grinned again, The smugness was painful.

“Neither of us breathes a word.” I wasn’t in the mood to pander to his humor

“I feel like we covered that point already, but okay.”

“Not to anyone.”

“Again, I get it. It’s a secret, and not a good one. I pinky promise I’ll take it to the grave with me. Though if you don’t want to field questions about what happened out here today, I suggest you wear a turtleneck or scarf for the next few days.”

He quirked his eyebrow and grinned, leaning his head to the side slightly. It was so disarmingly hot that the only thing that pulled me out of my lust-induced trance was the deep urge to slap the smile from his face.

Chapter 13


She looked so angry, I wouldn’t have been surprised if she’d slapped me, but I couldn’t tell if she was more pissed off at herself or me. I kind of got where she was coming from. We’d had this annoying chemistry-slash-animosity thing going on since day one, and it didn’t seem to be going anywhere. In fact, it was increasing with every interaction. It was as though the amount we annoyed each other was directly proportional to how much we turned each other on.

It was the biggest crock of bullshit, and made absolutely no sense, but there it was. I guessed it just showed me that there was no accounting for people’s stupidity—even my own. I didn’t claim to understand. The best I could do was acknowledge it, own it, and move the fuck on.

And by move on, I meant sink my dick into one studiously sexy, but next level annoying wannabe journalist. I’d known even as I’d “agreed” in front of the guys not to fuck her that I was going to. If nothing else, I considered it payback for them coming up with an idea that meant I was stuck with her for an entire day, and that I was missing classes to do so. Fuck those assholes.

“So quit with the G8-style talks. Nothing else needs to be said.”

“But I—”

“Shhh... I said be quiet.” I shut her up by placing my hand over her mouth, which, predictably, pissed her off. I held tight until she quit squirming and fighting against me, but as soon as I let up a little, she started trying to speak again, so I pressed my hand back down.

“I’ve written the whole day off, which means I have all the time in the world to waste. Now, we can stay up here playing this game, or you can just be quiet. Like I said before, you think too much. We’re not here to think, we’re here to do. Each other, to be exact.”

By now she had a tight grasp of my wrists and was squeezing and pulling against them with all her might, and as soon as I loosened my grip on her, she began a volley of words, which I shut down with my hand again.

“You’re either a remedial learner—which from what I know of you, I doubt very much—or you’re as stubborn as a barn full of mules. Seriously, I have the stamina to do this, and a whole lot of other things, through the day and into the night.” I wagged my eyebrows suggestively. “I even thought to bring us a couple of protein bars so we’ll have a snack to keep our energy up.” Fuck. I was almost as amused as I was irritated. I found it funny to bait her, but I was losing patience with the way she was endlessly delaying the inevitable.

“I’m going to take my hand away from your mouth. Then I’m going to kiss you. Then I’m going to fuck you. You’re going to keep your thoughts to yourself. Nod if you understand.” She nodded.

I removed my hand. She looked at me as though I was a stray pube she’d discovered in her oatmeal, but she was desperate to eat her breakfast regardless. I found it reassuringly hilarious that she was both wildly attracted to, and utterly repelled by me at the same time. She wasn’t alone—I was equally torn—but watching the same mix of emotions I was feeling myself play out in someone else was a sight to behold.

I stepped back and waited, deciding that I’d already done entirely too much chasing. She knew what I wanted—I’d made it abundantly clear, multiple times, and now it was a case of waiting for the mountain to come to Mohammed. I folded my arms and leveled her with a steady stare.

The static tension between us built with every passing moment.

“Jesus! Okay.” God, she was intense.

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