Page 14 of Shake You

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I had a full schedule with classes for the rest of the day, and practice before dawn the next morning, so the former wasn’t going to happen. As for the latter, I wasn’t holding my breath—I didn’t believe in miracles. Never had.

As I exited the changing room after practice the next morning, Honey St George was waiting for me outside the locker room again. I wasn’t surprised to see her this time, as not only had we not finished the interview the day before, but I’d also glanced up a few times and seen her on the sidelines during practice. That didn’t stop me from being irritated as she approached.

“Are you stalking me?”

“Hardly. I’m doing a story about you, remember?”

“How could I forget? Why were you hanging around throughout practice?”

“Why not? If I’m going to write about you, I should have at least a basic insight into how you play, the team dynamic etc. Now seems like as good a time as any to get that knowledge. Besides, if I’m going to do a ‘day in the life of’ piece, I need to actually experience a day in the life.”

“Wait, what? What are you talking about, a day in the life?”

“Oh, well, that’s when a journalist shadows their subject on a typical day, observing what they—”

“I may play ball, but I’m not a fucking moron. I’m familiar with the concept, what I mean is that this is the first I’m hearing of it, and it’s a no from me.”

“Oh. Coach didn’t tell you? It’s a mandate from the Dean, so it’s on, whether you or I like it or not. Which, for the record, I don’t. They’re cheesier than a wheel of Swiss.”

Fuck. With all the shit with Cygnus, the last thing I needed was some nosy hack following me into the bathroom, and watching me take a dump. That said, as hot as she was, I could probably be persuaded to do the latter.

“Over my dead, fucking body.”

“I mean, I guess that could be arranged, but it wouldn’t make for a very interesting article. Probably not the best vehicle to showcase the team, either, right?” That was actually funny. She was sharp, and I liked that, though I didn’t want to give her the satisfaction of knowing I thought so.

“Whatever. Not my circus, not my monkeys.” I was aware that statement made me sound like a callous spoiled brat.

“Well, it kind of is though, isn’t it, given that you’re the subject of the interview?”

She had a point, which pissed me off. I was also irritated with myself, though, for playing right into the hot-headed jock stereotype, after trying yesterday to show her that I was more than that. Yes, I was a shit ton of brawn, and then some, but I had brains too, and that fact helped me on the field as much as my muscles did. Why it was important to me that she didn’t think of me as just another meathead was another question.

I weighed up my options momentarily, thinking that the best thing would probably be to go see the Dean, and persuade him to drop the whole idea, so that I could go about my life without tripping over Honey St George every few paces.

“Hey, I know it’s a pain in the ass, and believe me, it’s just as annoying for me as it is for you, but if we both just do what we need to do to get it done, it will be over before we know it.” I wondered if she’d somehow sensed that I was about to make a break for it.

“Why don’t we go back to Where You Bean and finish the interview we started yesterday? We can worry about the day in the life stuff later. It’s better to begin this way, anyway, so that I can get more of a sense of you as a person, and start to form an approach for the day in the life piece that means it’s not just a list of your comings and goings.”

She made the whole thing seem like such a no-brainer that there was no way I could object without sounding like a childish prick.

“Sure. Let’s go.” Riding out the feeling of déjà vu, I settled back down in the exact same spot I’d sat in the day before, and spread my arms expectantly. “Hit me.”

“Don’t tempt me.” She muttered the words almost to herself, and I watched as it registered with her that she’d actually spoken aloud. I stifled my laughter, though I couldn’t stop the smile tugging at the corner of my lips, before I knew it. “Shit. Sorry. I didn’t mean that. I just meant…”

“No need to explain. You meant what you said, which is fine. It’s not like I’m over here welcoming you with open arms.”

“True. Okay, anyway, let’s pick up where we left off yesterday.” I was hoping I’d gotten away with not having to answer her last question. Probably the first and last time I’d viewed a call for Xavier as saved by the bell.

Chapter 8


He looked like he’d rather eat poop on a cracker than answer the question. He didn’t even know the half of it yet.

He sighed loudly, and steepled his fingers, leaning forward to rest his lips on them as his elbows balanced on his bent knees. He was clearly choosing his words carefully.

“A team is made up of individuals, each with their different strengths and weaknesses. The best teams are those that play to, not against, those combined aptitudes. I, for one, am more comfortable in a leadership role. However, most teams also have a hierarchy. Ours is no different. As such, I understand my place and how it relates to other members, including Coach. Another function of a successful team is for each member to know their value within it.” He shrugged, looking at me as though what he’d said was so simple that it shouldn’t have needed an explanation.

“Very interesting. Is that how it works with Xavier Cross, also?”

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