Page 74 of Fake You

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We rode to the hotel in silence and made it all the way into Drew’s suite that way, too, but once we were inside, I couldn’t keep quiet any longer.

“What’s this?” It was a rhetorical question. I could see what it was.

“Your stuff.”


“I had it picked up and brought here while you were still at the hospital.”

“How did…” I let the words trail off, my brain too fuzzy to think straight.

“I have the key. Landlord perks. I didn’t know how long you’d want to stay, but I figured that either way, you’d need things, but if you didn’t want to go back there, the next best thing was to bring your stuff here.”

“Jesus. That’s kind of sweet, kind of incredibly weird and creepy.”

“All I heard was sweet. Does this mean you don’t hate me?”

“I do. But I have to admit that you’re kind of sweet, yet creepy too.” The fact was, though I had no intention of telling him so, it was actually the sweetest thing that anyone had ever done for me.

“Okay, I can work with that. And I meant it when I said you can stay as long as you want, or need. Truly.”

“Thank you.”

“Any time.” He stepped forward and brushed his hand through my hair, and around to the nape of my neck, squeezing a little. I considered swatting him away, telling him to leave me the hell alone, but I didn’t. Instead, I stood on tiptoe, and pushed my lips lightly to his, as slow, heavy tears cascaded down my cheeks.

Chapter 45


I pulled her gently to me, urging her lips closer to mine. When we kissed this time, it was like nothing else that had ever passed between us. The angry fire and passion had been replaced by something else. Care. Concern. Tenderness. At least on my part anyway. Finally saying the words aloud, and admitting to my mom and myself that I was in love with Kik, had changed the game, for me.

If I was honest, from the moment I met Kik, I’d been torn between the need to destroy her, and the desire to protect her. And as time had gone on, it was as though my feelings had increasingly shifted from one end of the scale to the other. The more I was supposed to hate her, and ruin her to protect the people I loved—my mom, and Grampsie—the more conflicted I became.

The truth was, I’d wanted to have my cake and eat it. I’d been keen to ensure that my father could no longer control Mom and Grampsie, but at the same time, I needed to make sure no harm came to Kik. More than that, I wanted her father to be okay, and for the two of them to get the justice they deserved.

I’d spent a long time scheming and planning to try and make all of those things a reality, and I’d almost achieved it. It would forever be a source of regret to me that her father had died, especially when we’d been so close to turning the situation around.

Kik’s kisses quickly increased in intensity, and though I matched her ferocity, scratch for scratch, and bite for bite, my heart wasn’t quite in it.

Eventually, she pulled away panting, eyes frantic. “Fuck me.”


“You heard me. Fuck me hard, and wild, and nasty. I want you to break me, Drew. Hurt me so that at least then I’ll feel something, instead of nothing. I don’t want to be numb, but that’s how I feel right now.”


“What the hell? You’re turning me down for sex? You don’t want me?”

“Are you kidding me? Of course I goddamned want you. I always want you, but right now I don’t think it’s for the best.”

“Why the fuck not?”

“Because you’re hurting, and you’re looking for a quick fix, but I really don’t think raw sex with me, or anyone, will bring you the relief you’re looking for. And because I love you, and I don’t want to hurt you. Physically, or emotionally.”

“You asshole. You’re a big part of the reason I’m in this situation in the first place, and now you won’t even help me. I fucking hate you.”

She launched herself at me, again raining down slaps and punches, and again I did nothing. She was too overwrought to do any real damage, and even if she could, I was happy to take it. It was nothing compared to what my father had put her and her father through.

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