Page 63 of Fake You

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“Because you’re not looking. No, that’s not right. You’re not seeing. If you were, you wouldn’t be ignoring what was right in front of your face.” I wished I could tell him everything he wasn’t seeing about the situation with Drew.

Truth was, he was right, I wasn’t looking, and I never would be, but I could hardly tell him that. Falling for my mom had been the beginning of the end for him, and I’d vowed from a young age never to open myself up to being broken by love the way he had.

“There’s nothing wrong with my eyesight Papá, trust me.”

Chapter 39


We pulled up outside the hotel having ridden in total silence the entire way there. Something was off with Kik—or more off than usual—though I couldn’t quite figure out what. It wasn’t out of character for her not to want to have anything to do with me, unless it involved getting our rocks off, but this time felt different. Instead of being her usual angry self, she was subdued and contemplative. She seemed more sad than angry.

Then as we approached the valet, she turned to me sharply, her brown eyes ablaze with molten fire, and she was back in rage mode.

“I’m not sleeping with you tonight—or any night, for that matter—so you can just take me back home.”

I guessed she had a point given that was what had happened every other time we’d been at The Place.

“Noted, but that’s not why I brought you here. That said, let it also be noted that if that was on the cards, I would be very much down. Or up. Certain parts of me would definitely be up.” I laughed lightly while Kik glared at me like I was something the cat vomited up. Not that I had a cat, and neither did she. Still, the sentiment was there.

“Trust me.”

“Ha! I feel like we’ve had this conversation already. That’s a hard no from me.”

“Okay, well then since you clearly think I’m out of my mind, humor me, like the crazy person I supposedly am.” I held her door open with a saccharine smile. Kik rolled her eyes and reluctantly got out of the car. Excellent.

I watched her carefully as the door of the suite opened and we walked inside. She stopped in her tracks a long moment. I did the same while I waited for her reaction.

“What is this?”

“Um… is this a trick question?”

“Don’t be a smartass, Drew.”

“Lydia and Grace are here to help you get ready for tonight. Lydia is a hair and makeup artist, and Grace is a stylist.”

The two women waved and smiled their hellos. Kik in return, looked like a deer in the headlights.

“They have everything you need—choose whatever you want. You shall go to the ball!” I spread my arms, expansively gesturing around the room.

Kik stared at me like I was speaking Japanese. I found it endearingly amusing that she should be so stunned by what the girls I was used to hanging with would consider a basic necessity.

“Okay, but it’s a shame you’re no Prince Charming.” She’d clearly regained her composure.

I leaned in and spoke quietly into her neck. “Maybe not, but I promise, I’ll have you dropping more than just your shoe tonight.”

She bristled, but I didn’t miss the flush of arousal that flooded her body. I spoke louder this time, chuckling as I left the room.

“Forty minutes, Angel. I want you dressed and ready to leave when I get back.”

I strolled into the room forty-five minutes later, distracted on the phone as I spoke to Dillon again, formulating the last few details of my plan.

“Uhhh… okay, um… that’s great, man. I gotta go.” I hung up, not knowing if I’d cut him off mid-word, and definitely not caring. Holy. Fucking. Shit.

I was momentarily stunned by the sight before me.

“Um… so you should probably close your mouth, before you start catching flies.”

She was right. I clamped my lips shut, but was still incapable of functioning properly.

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