Page 60 of Fake You

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“I don’t know—you tell me. But if I were you, I’d be starting with what kind of hold she has over you that she was the one you had taking care of you when you got beat up.”

“I did not get beat up, I had a fight with my dad, like I said. And let me tell you, he’s looking at least as rough as me, if not worse.”

“Semantics, and totally not the issue here.” He waved his hand dismissively, his ice blue eyes expressing his disdain. “The issue is your obsession with Kik. Are you into her?”

“Define ‘into.’ Are we fucking? Hell yes, whenever I get the goddamned chance, and not half as much as we would be if it were only up to me to decide. Is it something more than just sex? No. Do I want it to be? Also no.”

“I thought the game was supposed to be two truths and one lie.” Xavier’s gaze zeroed in on me like he was trying to scan me with his eyes.

“It is, but what has that got to do with anything? We’re not playing.”

“Good. I’m glad, because you obviously forgot the rules.”

“Dude, what the fuck are you talking about?”

“Well, you just told me one truth and two lies, so I was thinking you had the game twisted.”

“No, I didn—”

“Save it for someone who can’t read you like a book. Or someone who hasn’t just been through the exact same head fuck. You’re screwing and you like it. A lot. For more than just getting your rocks off. She probably does too, but neither of you want to admit it.”

“Nope.” I popped the p loudly. I crossed my legs at the ankles, and reclined further in the couch, then linked my fingers behind my head, and looked up at the ceiling, giving the impression of being in a relaxed repose. “That’s not even close to what’s going on. I’m not gonna lie, the sex is stupid good. But we both know the score. This is situational. We’re on opposite sides of this battle, and as soon as I have the tools to take her ass down, and put an end to this shit once and for all, we’ll be done with, each other.”

“Then why can’t you look me in the eye?”

“Because I’m looking at the ceiling, and I only have one pair of eyes.”

“Don’t try to be a smart-ass. You know what I mean.”

I brought my gaze back to meet his. “She’s a great fuck. She hates me. I hate her. Simple.” Two truths, one lie.

Chapter 38


I bustled into the house exhausted after a long day of classes, a long week of temp work, and a long life of living. I called out to my dad as I headed straight into my room to drop my purse, before going into the living room to greet him properly.

“Hey, Dad!”

“Hi, Angelita,” He called back. “Drew—”

As I opened my bedroom door I almost died of shock right there.

“—is here.”

“Okay, thanks, I see that now.”

My dad’s timing was atrocious, and my heart was still racing a mile a minute.

“Why do you insist on behaving like a total creeper? This is stalking.”

“I can’t stalk you if we’re dating.”

“Actually you can, but that’s beside the point, because we’re not dating.”

“Potato, potahto.”

“Nope. Doesn’t matter how you pronounce it, we’re not a thing, and whether you’re my landlord or not, coming in here unannounced and uninvited is both trespassing and harassment.”

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