Page 58 of Fake You

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I rolled my eyes, considering holding out on him further, as I had no desire to divulge any more to him than I already had—even that had been too much. Nor did I have the time or energy to argue around in circles with him. I was tired, and as I’d said, I wanted to get home to salvage what was left of the night, and not be a total zombie in class the next day.

“I was going to say that it was kind of a good thing that I’m studying law, given that I’ve already had not one, but two lawyers let me down.”

“Let you down, how?”

“How do you think? Said they’d take the case, then backed out later. Although, at least Daniel Buscemi got us far enough into the process to almost be able to file the complaint with the court, but then he dropped it like a hot brick, and pretty much ghosted me. And Alan Ritchmond doesn’t even count. He said he’d take on the case, then changed his mind a week later.”

“Say that name again.” His brows wove themselves together in a deep frown.

“Alan Ritchmond?”

“No the other one.

“Daniel Buscemi?”

“Hmm… why is that so familiar to me…?” I had no idea.

“And like, I get it. It’s lot of time to give up for no money. But I know there’s a case to be fought and won. I just need someone to take a chance.”

“Or you could just drop the whole thing.”

“Hahahahaha! I thought that you didn’t get hit on the head in that fight, but you must have if you think that there’s even the slightest chance of that happening.”

“You’ve said yourself that nobody will touch it, anyway. That’s a sign right there. Give it up, and save me the hassle of fucking up your life even more. It would take up a whole heap less time, effort, and energy for both of us, but lead to the same result.”

“Maybe it wasn’t a bump to the head then. Maybe you’re just a deluded fucking psycho, but either way, I don’t know how many times I can say this... I’m not giving up on the suit. I don’t care if I have to approach every lawyer in the city, or even in the country, and they all say no. I don’t care if I have to study law part-time until I’m ninety years old, then bring the case to court myself. I don’t care if you and your equally deluded and psychotic father rain every threat and punishment in the book down on me. As long as I have a pulse, I won’t let this go. I don’t care if we sleep together a thousand times—”

“We’ve never slept together. At least not for a full night. You always disappear into the night like some kind of ninja.”

“You know what I mean. I don’t care how much or how hard we screw.” But I really did need to stop falling over with my legs open every time he gave me that intense searing look—his steel-gray eyes dark and focused on me as though there was nothing and nobody on the planet except me—it was an unnecessary complication, and clouding my judgment about him. “I’m unwavering on that.”

“Okay, Angel, whatever you say.”

“Stop calling me that.”


“Because it’s a term of endearment. You haven’t earned that right.”

“Okay, so let’s change that. Come on a date with me next Thursday.”

I snorted so hard my nose hurt. “You’re actually insane. That’s the definition of not going to happen.”

“Why not?”

“You may be out of your mind, but I know you’re not stupid, so don’t act it. You know why. You fill in the blanks, and if all that’s not enough, I also have to work, so there’s that.”

“Skip work.”

“I can’t. There’s this little thing called surviving, not that you’d know anything about that—to you it’s called thriving—but I need money to survive, and I need to work to obtain money, so no, I will not be skipping anything.”

“Okay, so I’ll pay you.”

“You’ll pay me to be your date for the night?”

I was all out laughing by this point. Drew watched me, in cool detachment, his eyes so dark they were almost black. I tried to squirm under his laser-focused gaze, but my laughter dried in my throat, and I was left staring him down, in a visual game of chicken.

“Correct. What’s so strange about that? Isn’t that what escorts do?”

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