Page 43 of Fake You

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Not that I was one to stand in my glass house and throw stones about being overly focused on a woman. I was in pretty much in the same position with Kik. Between trying to convince her to leave my father alone, and imagining all the ways I wanted to fuck her, I was thinking of little else, unless Xavier needed me to help execute one of his crazy plans through Cygnus Dei. College work was definitely taking a dim and distant third place in my list of priorities, which wasn’t a sustainable situation.

I called Bear instead, and was relieved when he picked up.

“Dude! Well, look who it isn’t. The ghost of fucking Christmas past, present and future all rolled into one. What does Xavier need us Cygnus slaves…I mean do on his behalf now?”

“Nothing. It’s me who needs a favor.”

“What did you say? Are you doing a reenactment of The Godfather? You sound like Don Corleone.”

“Nah…” My voice crackled brittlely. “Can you meet me at my room with the football first aid kit in ten?”

Bear and I had played ball together until I’d dropped out of the team at the end of the previous year, as I’d realized that though I excelled, my heart just wasn’t in it, and I really didn’t have the time or inclination for that level or commitment, when it wasn’t a passion.

“What the fuck, dude? You sound beat up. What’s going on?”

“Just meet me at my room with the kit. I’ll explain everything then.” The fact was, it hurt to speak, and not only that, but my right eye was closing up rapidly. I wanted to get to my room before I lost vision in it completely. And with the aches and pains quickly spreading across my body, I wanted to focus on one thing at time—driving—rather than trying to get myself home without crashing, while updating Bear at the same time.

I parked the car hastily in the parking lot at Trinity Hall—it cost a small fortune to have a spot there, but it really did make life easier—then rounded the building to go up to my room. I stopped in my tracks as I neared the entrance.

Shit, shit, shit. This was the last thing I needed.

As though sensing my eyes on her, even as I hurriedly tried to turn away, Kik looked up just as I was about to duck into the building. Fuck. She stopped mid-stride, and seemingly mid-word as her eyes locked with mine. I still tried to escape, thinking that maybe she wouldn’t register what she was seeing, or for whatever reason, not want to approach me, but no such luck. She moved like a jaguar, closing the gap between us in no time.

“What the fuck?” She reached out to touch my face, but I shrank back instinctively. I didn’t want hers or anyone else’s help or pity. I’d only contacted Bear because I knew that if I didn’t ice and wrap some of the worst-affected areas, I’d pay for it down the track.

“Go away.” My voice was barely more than a croak, and I hated how pathetic it sounded.

“Not a chance. What the fuck happened to you? It looks like someone tried to end you.” She wasn’t far wrong. I wondered idly how far my father would have been prepared to go had security not stepped in when they did.

I hung my head, staring at the ground, and made to move inside the building, but Kik had other ideas. In the blink of an eye, she’d maneuvered herself between the door and me. Note to self: not only was she flexible to the point of contortion, but she could also move at superhuman speed.

“Not. Negotiable.”

She led me by one elbow, and motioned to Bear—who had arrived while Kik and I faced off—to grab the other. Despite her comparatively tiny stature, versus Bear, who was so big that he dwarfed me, the look on Kik’s face said she wasn’t to be trifled with, and he didn’t protest.

Chapter 28


I turned to Rocky apologetically, shrugged and made the telephone symbol with my fingers, mouthing, “I’ll call you.”

She raised an eyebrow, clearly not convinced, but I shot her a look that I hoped conveyed my thoughts. Yes, I’d just told her some of what had been going on between Drew and myself. No, his campaign of bullying and intimidation, combined with his determination to tear my life completely apart didn’t look good.

Nor did the fact that after each of these tyrannies, I’d somehow found myself not only increasingly attracted to him, but also less and less able to resist his advances, or my own desires. On the other hand, she was hardly in a position to stand in judgment of me, when her situation with Xavier was no less fucked-up, and in fact, was arguably more so.

She screwed up her face, but didn’t protest. Despite my on-the-spot decision to help Drew, I had to agree with her that the whole situation was fifty shades of fucked-up. Still I felt compelled to be there, and I decided to trust my gut for better or for worse. As we entered the historic preserved building, and the door thunked closed behind us, Drew turned to me, sharply grimacing in pain.

“Where’d you disappear to?”

“Really? That’s what you’re leading with? You look like you’ve been hit by a truck, and you sound like death, but you want to know what happened to your booty call?” It hadn’t been a booty call, as such, but that was the best way I could describe whatever “it” had been. He shrugged, but not at all apologetically.

“We were spooning one minute, the next I wake up with the almighty boner from hell, with your name all over it, and you’re gone. I have the bluest balls.” His voice sounded like he was a ninety-year-old man who’d smoked two packs of cigarettes a day for seventy years.

“That’s not the only part of you that’s blue, but it’s possibly the only part that doesn’t require immediate medical attention. Now stop talking, and let’s get you to your room.”

“That’s the best offer I’ve had all morning.”

“Jesus Christ! Did you have a knock to the head during whatever the hell happened to you, and wake up as a high school horndog? How many fingers am I holding up?” I was only half-joking, but was rewarded with a wan smile.

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