Page 36 of Fake You

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“The big hoops suspended from the ceiling.”

“Oh yeah, I’ve seen that before. Do you still do all of that?” She was pole dancing the first time I saw her at Rollergirl, though it didn’t really resemble what I’d expect pole dancing to look like.

“Yeah, I tend to rotate at Rollergirl based on what I feel like doing. Sometimes that will be the same apparatus for weeks on end. Other times it changes with every show.”

“What’s your favorite?”

“I like them all, but there’s something about the sensuality and romance of silks that gets me going.”

As soon as the words were out of her mouth, I could see that she regretted them. She tensed, clamping her jaw tight, and looking at me as though I’d just run over her pet stick insect.

“Anyway, enough of the chit-chat, this isn’t a date, so let’s not pretend it is. Why don’t you get to the point and stop wasting both our time?”

“Point?” I arched an eyebrow her way.

“Well, there must be one. I know you didn’t ask me here to exchange small talk and life stories.”

“How do you know? It might seem like small talk, but everything you say to me can be used to my advantage to bring you down. Even the shit you consider to be inconsequential.”

“But you’ve just revealed your hand in telling me that. Are you sure my dad wasn’t just humoring you and letting you win at dominoes? You don’t seem to be a very good strategist.”

“You don’t even know the half of it. In life and in dominoes, I’m so many steps ahead of the game, that you can’t even begin to imagine the ways in which I can crush you. And as for this dinner? Honestly, I just really love to see you squirm. It’s a power thing—it brings me some kind of sick pleasure.” Truth was, there wasn’t much I didn’t love seeing her do.

“You’re a total douche.”

“I sure am. Speaking of which, let’s go another round of two truths, one lie.”

She rolled her eyes big and sighed like the idea was the biggest chore known to mankind.

“Okay. One, I can touch the tip of my nose with the end of my tongue. Two, I’m going to give you that orgasm I kept from you earlier. Three, my lucky number is seven.”

“Two is a lie. I’m not going anywhere near you again.” The murderous look was back, and so was my hard-on.

“Nope.” I popped the p nice and loud. “That was kind of a trick question. I don’t have a lucky number. As matter of fact, I don’t believe in luck. There’s no such thing. There’s only the way you play the hand you’re dealt. That’s what makes our “luck.” But you’re also kind of right. Two is a lie, also, because I don’t give anyone anything. You want something from me, you have to work for it, and no matter how tough you think you are, I know you want that O. All I need to do now is decide how I’m going to make you earn it.”

Chapter 23


Jesus, I hated him. I also hated that he was right about the orgasm—the throbbing between my legs wasn’t going away—not that I was going to give him the satisfaction of knowing that. In fact, it was intensifying as the meal progressed, and as my anger grew.

“That’s where you’re wrong. I don’t want anything from you, apart from for you to leave me and my dad the fuck alone, and stop stalking me.”

“You’re a bad liar, Angel. Which is weird, given you lived a lie as Kevin, and never got sprung, yet I can read your body language like a book. No wonder Grampsie and co. think I’m gay and we’re a thing—the chemistry between us is real. Your body is screaming for that release right now.”

I decided that silence was the best policy if I didn’t want to incriminate myself further.

“Don’t get me wrong, I love that you can’t hide what you’re feeling from me. It makes tearing you down even more enjoyable.” He grinned.

I placed my napkin on the table, ready to get up and leave, I’d been crazy to go along with the stupid meal in the first place. It had probably just been the shock of seeing Drew sitting in my living room that had made me even consider it. But I’d recovered from that, and I was determined to put an end to the gross charade.

“Excuse m—” My body jolted at the unexpected connection of his flesh on mine.

“So if I push my toe inside you right now, I’m not going to find you wet and wanting, is that what you’re saying Angel?”

“That’s exactly what I’m—” I clenched my legs around his foot—he’d removed his loafer, which he’d been wearing sockless, paired with skinny black jeans and a tight-fitting tee. No matter what I thought of him as a person, there was no denying his rig was out of this world. He was outrageously good-looking, and rudely well-built. Physically he ticked all my boxes, even as part of me wanted to tear him limb from limb.

I was too late, and even as I spoke, he was already pressing his toe to my clit. I glared at him, squeezing my legs together harder.

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