Page 34 of Fake You

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“Fine.” I exhaled extra-loudly for dramatic effect. “Let me get dressed. I’ll meet you out at your car.”

“Nope. I’ve already spent more time waiting for you than I ever would for anyone else. I’m not about to go sit in the car like a chump while you sneak out the back door, or up the fucking chimney.” I stifled my laughter. He didn’t know anything about rent-controlled apartment buildings if he thought there was any chance of finding a chimney in one.

I was actually going to go hang at Mrs. Martinez’s place until he got bored and left, but either way, he was right to be suspicious.

“Jesus Christ if it’s not enough that you’ve encroached on, and fucked with every aspect of my life, but now you want to creep on me while I change?”

“Correct. And it’s not like I haven’t seen all that and more, but now you’re now trying to be coy? Bullshit. Now get moving, I’m getting hangry again.”

I rolled my eyes, and slipped off the bed, heading for the closet. Rifling through, I quickly settled on a tight black leather skirt and sheer black blouse, before ducking out into the hall to change in the bathroom.

Drew was right, though. After fucking him the way I had a few weeks earlier, then nearly losing my mind while he went down on me just before, there was technically no reason to be shy around him, yet I didn’t want to get changed in front of him. Firstly, because, fuck him. And secondly, because, weirdly even after he’d almost made me come on his face, getting undressed, then re-dressed in front of him seemed more intimate and less appropriate than anything we’d done before. Stupid, but true.

Chapter 22


To say Kik had agreed to go to dinner with me was vastly overstating what had actually taken place. The fact was, she hadn’t agreed to shit, she’d simply stopped fighting, but that wasn’t the same as being a willing participant, and it definitely didn’t mean that she was prepared to engage with me as we ate.

In fact, she went out of her way to ignore me. I began to regret the decision to have her come out with me, not because she was proving to be an exceedingly boring and unwilling date, but because the moment she’d returned from the bathroom dressed in that leather skirt and the blouse that left literally nothing to the imagination, I didn’t want to go anywhere, or do anything other than spend the night fucking her, right there in her bedroom while her father watched Jeopardy a few feet away.

“Are you going to give me the cold shoulder all evening?”

“Let me see. You’re single-handedly determined to ruin my life, and so far are doing a great job of it—you’ve taken my home, my job, and now even my fucking orgasm. I didn’t want to come to dinner with you in the first place, and am here under duress, so there goes my liberty too. So, yeah, that was my plan.”

“Well, too bad, Angel—” I bristled at the fact that he’d created his own nickname from my dad’s pet name for me, because that made it something just between the two of us. Not cool. “—damned if I’m going to sit here in silence. Let’s play a little game—two truths, one lie. I’ll go first to get the ball rolling.”

“I have the boner from hell right now from looking at you in that outfit. I’m sorry about getting you fired. My middle name is Edgar.”

She stared mutely at her plate as she chewed her mouthful of food.

“C’mon. Don’t be a spoilsport. You’re here now, you might as well have some fun.”

“If you think that there’s any way I’m having fun—stupid games or not, then you have a very warped idea of what constitutes a good time.”

“Maybe, but you won’t know if you don’t try, will you? Which one is the lie?” I cocked my eyebrow in challenge. She scowled at me, but I could see she was about to bite.

“The last one. You really don’t look like an Edgar.”

I laughed along with her. She was right, I really didn’t.

“Sadly, my parents would beg to differ. Andrew Edgar Cavanagh at your service.”

“You’re not serious?” A warm smile tugged at the corner of her lips. Jesus.


“Bahahaha! Oh my God, you just made an incredibly shitty day just a tiny bit better.”

She had no idea that in giving me the opportunity to watch her laugh like that, she’d done the same for me.

“But wait. So, you’re not sorry for getting me fired?” I found it interesting that she didn’t question the boner, but I didn’t remark on it.

“Not in the slightest.” I scooped a forkful of food into my mouth and watched her carefully as I chewed. Color climbed up her cheeks as she quietly fumed on the other side of the table.

“This can’t come as a surprise to you, surely? I told you I’d do everything I could to tear you down until you make the right decision about the situation with my father.”

“I’ve already made the right decision, and the only one I’m going to make. What you mean is the decision that suits you.”

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