Page 26 of Fake You

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“I’m sorry, my hands are tied.” He looked almost as sick about the whole thing as I felt. “You need to empty your locker now, and then leave immediately.”

“There’s nothing in my locker, so no need.”

“Okay, then I’ll just need the key and your ID card back.” I started digging in my backpack for my key ring.

“And what about the uniform? I have no street clothes with me.” I found my keys, and detached the locker key, slapping it down a little too heavily onto Andy’s desk.

“You can keep it.” Gee thanks. “And in terms of severance, although technically you’re not entitled to anything due to the nature of the dismissal, I did manage to negotiate a three-month payout, on your behalf. It’s not much, but it will keep the wolves from the door for a little while, right? Especially as, given the nature of the situation, we won’t be able to offer you a reference.” Fuck my life.

“As you will still ‘technically’ be in our employ in that time, you’ll also be covered for healthcare for the duration of that period.” That was something, at least. “You’ll need to sign the no recourse paperwork, to access that offer.”

I looked up at him, and again, could tell that he was genuinely sorry for the way things had panned out.

“Thanks Andy. I appreciate it. I know you didn’t have to.”

“No, but I wanted to.” He slid the papers and a pen across his desk at me. “And like I said, if it was just up to me, things would have been handled differently. Speaking of which. I have to call security to see you out, when we’re done here.” Like a fucking criminal. “I have no choice in that, either.”

“It’s fine.” It wasn’t fine. The shame of being walked from the premises was the final nail, in the coffin of my dignity.

As I stepped out into the sunlight my phone trilled in my bag. I knew who it was going to be, before I even pulled out the handset.

Chapter 17



“That’s no way to answer the phone. You didn’t even know who was on the other end of the line. What if it was Prince Charming, calling to make you the offer of a lifetime?”

“I would have told him the same thing I’m going to tell you. Go. To. Hell. How did you even get my number, anyway?”

“I have my ways, and your tenancy agreement, remember?” Of course.

“What do you want?”

“Why the long face? You look so much prettier when you smile.” Her head snapped up, and she scanned the parking lot myopically. When she caught sight of me, she started marching toward me. She was so angry, there might as well have been flames shooting from her nostrils.

I adjusted my stiff dick in my pants as I watched her stride across the lot, phone still pressed to her ear.

“Anybody would think someone had done something to jeopardize your earning potential. Oh, that’s right, they did. Oh well. This was just a little courtesy call to remind you of my existence, and let you know that you’re not off the hook—in case you were starting to get comfortable, because you hadn’t seen or heard from me for a while. The gloves are off, and you’d better strap yourself in for the ride, as this is the tip of the iceberg in terms of what I’m capable of.”

She hung up as she got closer to me, throwing her phone angrily into her backpack. I didn’t even bother to duck, or otherwise defend myself from the slap I saw coming a mile away. If it made her feel a little better, or like she had some kind of power or control in the situation, I was happy to give her that, under the circumstances. Instead, as her flesh made contact with mine, I grabbed her by the wrist squeezing hard enough that I knew it had to hurt. Her silent grimace confirmed my suspicions.

“I’m going to let that one through the net because of the situation, but try something like that again, and I won’t be as lenient.”

I pulled her hand hard, causing her body to crash into mine, and while she reeled in shock, I slammed my lips to hers. She dropped her backpack and as it crashed to the ground, she used the free hand to attempt to strike me again, but I caught that, too. I wanted to warn her again to watch her step, but there was no way I was taking my mouth away from hers long enough to utter the words. Instead, I pushed against her harder, silently wishing there was a way for my erection to break through the layers of fabric between us, so I could quench my thirst for her.

Instead, I settled for the pleasure and pain of the battle of wills that raged every time we were anywhere near each other, let alone when we touched. I could literally feel the war within her as she seemed at once both to push me away, and pull me closer.

For me, wanting her felt like too much yet, at the same time, whatever we did never felt like enough. In the end, when she started to pull away for real, I let her. As soon as she was free of me, she paced the small space between us like a trapped wild animal.

“You’re a total fucking asshole.”

“I’m not going to argue with you there, largely because it’s true, but also because I gave you fair warning.” I leaned against the hood of my car, leg bent so that my foot rested on my custom rims.

“What the hell? You just had me fucking fired so that the world doesn’t think you’re gay, and now you’re here again kissing me like we share the same oxygen supply.”

It was the perfect analogy. When she was around, I felt like I needed her to breathe.

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