Page 14 of Fake You

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“Get out of the fucking way. I mean it, or I’ll knock you flat.”

I didn’t know why her anger and indignation got me so hot, but it did. I threw my head back and laughed. “You and whose army, little lady?” I could see the fury rising at the same time as I felt my boner do the same.

“Seriously, move!” She launched at me, punching my chest, her face red with anger, and tears welling in her eyes again. “Fuck off. I need to go!”

I grabbed her by her wrists and squeezed them tight for the second time that day.


I carried on laughing, just to piss her off further, but then her body slackened, and the tears started to fall again.

“Whatever it is you think I’ve done, and whatever vendetta you have against me as a result, can we please just deal with it another time? This is life-and-death, can you just please let me go,” she implored, her eyes full, and cheeks streaked with tear tracks.

I hesitated a moment weighing up my options. “Keys,” I demanded, letting go of one of her wrists to hold out my hand to her.

“What? No. I’m not giving you my keys. Would you please just move so I can go? I’ll do whatever you want me to, just not right now.”

“I said. Give. Me. Your. Keys. Now. That’s what I want. You’re in no state to drive. Wherever you’re going I’ll take you there.”

This time, it was her turn to consider her options as she opened her mouth to speak. “I wouldn’t get in a car with you if you were the last fucking person on earth, with the last car. Now if you don’t back the fuck up, I can’t be held responsible for my actions.” And she was back in the game.

“Wrong answer, Chica, give me the damn keys, before I take them from you.”

“I’d like to see try.”

I didn’t think she even saw me move before I’d snatched her backpack from her hand. I held it above her head as I groped blindly in the front pocket. It was a few seconds before my hand landed on her keys.

Not one to go down easy, she kneed me in the junk again, anyway, just like she said she would. Although, somehow, this time it didn’t seem to hurt as much as it had the first. I wasn’t sure if it was because she hadn’t done it as hard, or if I was getting used to having my family jewels pounded on a regular basis. Either way, I barely flinched.

Keys in hand, I dropped her backpack to the ground from a great height, then spoke gruffly to her. “You said it’s an emergency, and you need to get out of here, so quit fucking wasting time, and let’s go. You’re getting on my last nerve.” As she scrambled on the ground for her upturned bag, I dangled the keys above her head.

“Oh, and if you think I’m riding in that piece of junk, you have another think coming.” I began striding through the parking lot toward my truck. I could feel the fire coming from her as she ran to keep up with me, and it wasn’t long before I felt the rain of blows on my back. I laughed again, it really was funny how ineffectual her actions were. It was as though she hadn’t noticed that I was built like a fucking apartment building.

One thing that growing up with an asshole like my father had encouraged was that I wasn’t going to ever let anybody physically give me any shit. I started working out before I’d even had any muscles to develop, and now I could take on my dad in the blink of an eye. Kik was toned and wiry, but she was also little. I turned to her as though she was nothing more than an irritating little sister. “Seriously, would you just fucking quit it. Like I said before, all you’re doing is delaying the inevitable.”

“Fuck. You. Hard.” I really wished she would.

“Anytime little lady, anytime.” I smirked again, knowing how much my words would anger her. Surprisingly though, she stopped bashing at my back, and jogged a few steps to fall in line with me.

“Why are you doing this? Are you insane? You come into my life out of the blue accusing me of all sorts of crazy shit, and now you want to drive me to the hospital? What the fuck is your agenda?”

“Ah, so it’s the hospital were going to is it? Well that’s a start. Which one?” She looked at me sharply. “Come on, this is happening, so you can stop playing hard to get. Which. Hospital?”

She sighed, just about as long and hard as I’d ever heard anyone sigh, then answered slowly, “City Central.” She shook her head, as though she couldn’t believe she’d acquiesced to my demand.

“Good girl. See that wasn’t so hard, now was it?”

“Listen, I’m doing this because you’ve given me no other choice, but let’s do ourselves a favor, and make this as painless as possible. I’m sure you don’t want to hear my voice any more than I want to hear yours, I just need to get to where I’m going, and if it wasn’t a matter of life or death, trust me, I wouldn’t be doing this at all.”

“Well, it’s a long time to sit in silence. City Central is pretty far away.”

“Tell me something I don’t know, Einstein. It’s called a country club for a reason. Everything is far away. It’s not like I have a choice in the matters. I told you, I work here because it’s the best money I can earn, not because of the idyllic views and fresh air. So the distance is what it is, and there’s not much I can do about it other than spend my whole life driving back and forth. Shit! That’s a point, what about my car?”

“What about it?”

“Jesus Christ, I thought everybody at Heathcote was supposed to be super smart, or did I get that wrong? Seems like you must’ve bought your way in, if so. With your lack of common sense, you can’t surely have thought your way in, so I’ll keep this simple. Because you’re forcing me to ride with you, my car is in the middle of nowhere, while I’ll be in the city. So how the fuck am I going to get it back when I’m done at the hospital, and I have no form of transportation?” She looked at me as though I had some kind of brain injury.

“Leave it with me. I’ll take care of it.”

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