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“Crazy,” I say.

“Boring,” he counters. “A lot of it is just staring at the sky, hoping to spot something odd.”

“Don’t we do that all the time?” I ask him.

He grins at me. “Good point. When I was a kid, I used to obsess about the stars.”

“I used to read a lot of Sci-Fi novels when I was younger,” I admit. “I wanted to go to space.”

“Me too!” He laughs and puts his hands behind his head. “But my parents wanted me to do something more practical. So here I am, thirty and teaching physics.”

“Sounds practical to me.”

He grins at me and shakes his head. “It’s not. But I love it.”

“I’m jealous. I hope I can find something I love when I finally graduate.”

“You will. I have a feeling about you.”

“Oh yeah? A good one?”

“A very good one,” he says, staring at me again. I’m suddenly very aware of being in nothing but a white bikini and sunglasses.

He sits up and pulls his shirt off. I stare at the muscles on his body and as he leans back, he catches me looking, but he only just smiles. Clearly, he doesn’t mind.

“What do you think of this place so far?” he asks me, gesturing at the pool and the house.

“It’s crazy,” I admit. “I didn’t know Henry had all this.”

“You should see his place in New York. Gorgeous penthouse. James decorated it for him, so you know it’s impeccable.”

“Are you all close?” I ask him. “I mean, you’re all clearly close with Henry, but what about with each other?”

He nods. “Henry is like the glue that keeps us together, but we’d still be friends without him at this point. Truth is, we’re all pretty similar.”

“Really? You all seem so different to me.”

He nods a bit, watching the pool. “Maybe on the surface, but underneath it all, we’re the same, we have the same values. It’s why we’re all so close. We don’t all get together like this as often as we’d like, since we live all over, but we’re constantly in contact.”

“Playing fantasy football?” I ask him.

He laughs. “Among other things, yeah.”

“Don’t tell me you guys have a group text.”

He cocks his head and grins at me. “Of course we do, like a bunch of teenage girls. And we send gifs.”

I groan. “I thought you were adults.”

“You’re never too old for a perfectly executed gif joke.”

I groan again and laugh as he sits up and stretches. I watch the muscles in his back and suddenly I get that feeling, the same one I got with Aiden and James. Except this time, I have a sense of dread. I can’t be feeling this for three of the guys, no way. It’s not possible. And yet Carter’s definitely flirting with me, and he’s definitely handsome, and definitely interesting…

“Party’s starting soon,” he says, and I realize I’m staring. I look quickly away.

“Another party?” I ask.

“Get used to it,” he says. “Henry’s not fucking around. Although I suspect this one won’t be so lavish.”

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