Page 59 of Their Cursed Wolves

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Nope. They did not. So what’s this about? Because I know they’re not doing this out of concern for me.

Garrick looks from me to them, some of the calm vanishing from his voice. “We were getting along just fine until you three barged in. You’ve had your time, far more time than I’ve had. Get out, and let me have mine.”

“A little time wouldn’t hurt,” Prince Rinan tries, his glance flickering to me.

Garrick’s hold around me tightens. “You know I have to consummate our marriage. We can’t leave any loopholes or the deal can be undone.” But the way he explains it, it’s like being with me is some kind of transaction.

Wasn’t he Mr. Romantic just a minute ago? What happened to that bear? I wonder if he’s just as bad as the wolves, just better at hiding it, and the notion makes my stomach hurt. I’m not exactly experienced with love or men. What if he’s just using me too?

Of course he is. You know that. Who are you kidding?

Prince Rinan runs his hand down his face, looking resigned as he glances at each man in the room. “Look, Tara is still a virgin.”

Every muscle in my body tenses. The other princes stare intently. I feel heat rush to my face, and Garrick laughs heartily. This might be the most embarrassing moment of my life, and I’ve had plenty of them.

“Yeah right. If that’s true, then I’m a virgin too.” Garrick continues laughing, jostling me as his body quakes.

I stand between his legs feeling small and insignificant. Feeling worthless. I wish I could just disappear. Tears prick my eyes, and I wonder what I’ve done to any of these men to deserve being talked about like I’m not even here.

“It’s true,” Prince Rinan says. “She told me when we first married her.”

“But…” Garrick looks around at each of the princes. “How is that possible? You married her. You’ve been with her for some time.”

I glance at Prince Arlys. I can tell he’s searching for the right words, and I kind of hate him for speaking about me like this. “We didn’t want to sleep with her to give her time. We married her quickly, and she was taken here quickly. It was a lot already for her.”

I keep my face still, but this is news to me. None of them told me this was what I was doing. And even though this involves my body, none of them asked if I was ready for more. If they had, I probably would have said no, but then it would’ve been my choice.

For some reason, that bothers me.

What’s more, they’ve never acted like they were interested in me romantically. I mean, yes, we’ve had some hot mornings when they’ve woken up in my bed, but that seemed more like the reactions of horny men, not the actions of respectful men who were giving me time but still wanted me as a person.

I don’t know anything about men, but I don’t think I’m wrong. Am I? Or do I just have too high of expectations? Is it wrong to want to feel… wanted by your husband?

Garrick’s gaze meets mine. “I need you to tell me the truth here.”

My cheeks are burning. I want to scream and cry all at the same time, but I refuse to give any of them the satisfaction. “I’m not sure if it matters, but, yes, I am still a virgin,” I confess, feeling exposed and upset.

The bear shifter shakes his head, looking from me to them. “What about the alliance?”

“We never discussed sex impacting it,” I tell him, my words curt.

Garrick looks to me, then back at the princes, and finally shrugs his giant shoulders. “Regardless of what you three chose to do…or not do with your wife, I’m choosing to have sex with my wife. The rules of the alliance must be completed.”

“Yes, we wouldn’t want to not follow the rules,” I tell him, trying to pull away.

His grip never loosens. “What’s the matter? Surely you understand what I’m saying.”

“Oh, I understand.”

His hands try to stroke my back. I try to shake away from his touch. I can feel his eyes on me, trying to read me, but I refuse to look at him.

Behind me, Prince Rinan speaks slowly. “We were married to her first. We should get to go first.”

Get. To. Go. First. What am I, a children’s pony that they plan to take turns riding?

I feel angry. Angry and lost. A man was finally nice to me. He finally treated me like I matter, but now I’m back to a thing they need to use to get what they want. It’s sickening that I ever wanted any of these men to touch me.

“Yeah. One of us gets to go first since we married her first,” Prince Drogo adds, his voice full of outrage.

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