Page 52 of Their Cursed Wolves

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He pulls back from me ever so slightly. I gather the gumption to look at him, and he looks surprised. “Why were you willing to marry the wolves, but not me?” There’s hurt in his voice, and now I am surprised.

Does it really matter to him if I’m a willing bride? This whole thing is about alliances and deals, not marriage and love.

I decide to be honest. “My marriage to them happened just like my impending marriage to you. Someone else decided it for me. I didn’t have a choice in that marriage either.”

Garrick’s expression softens further, and there’s a serious undertone to his words. “I would prefer a willing wife, Tara. One that chooses to be by my side.”

My heart skips a beat as his words echo in the silence that follows.

“I’d prefer to be a willing bride too, but, you know, life doesn’t always pan out that way.”

“It could.” He smiles, and his smile is as beautiful as the man himself. “I promise, with me, you’ll never feel alone or find a reason to cry. I’ll treat with you the kindness and respect every partner deserves. We’ll have a happy marriage, Tara. That you can be sure of.”

His promises sound like a balm to the wounds I’ve tried so hard to hide, even from myself. Can he truly offer me what the wolves haven’t? The thought is both comforting and terrifying. It’s one thing to be caught in a marriage not of my choosing, but another to consider this new bond might offer me the warmth and love I’ve been missing.

“I…I appreciate that, Garrick,” I manage to say, my voice small. His assurance feels genuine, and for a moment, I allow myself the luxury of imagining a life where I’m valued, cherished even. Is it too much to hope for?

He reaches out, his touch gentle, as if he’s afraid I might break. “I mean it, Tara. With me, you’ll have a voice – a choice – in how we live our lives together.”

The sincerity in his eyes is startling, making me believe, if only for a moment, that this could be a fresh start. He reaches out and brushes my hair out of my face. As his hand makes contact with me, the door opens and the wolves walk in, shattering the tender moment. Prince Drogo’s eyes are fixed on Garrick.

The room erupts into chaos when Prince Drogo charges. Garrick stands protectively, but Prince Drogo launches himself at Garrick. They collide with a force that shakes the foundation of the room, and a snarl rips from Prince Drogo’s throat as they tumble to the ground.

I’m frozen, my voice lost in the roar of the fight. The two of them are locked in a violent dance on the floor, a blur of movement and primal aggression. Prince Drogo is relentless with his untamed rage, punching out every chance he can get, but Garrick manages to catch his blows with ease.

“Prince Drogo! Garrick! Stop!”

“Garrick?” Prince Rinan throws at me, looking disturbed.

I clamp my mouth closed as Prince Drogo fights harder. Why the hell did I say Garrick?

Prince Arlys and Prince Rinan finally manage to intervene, pulling Prince Drogo off of Garrick with great effort. “Enough, Drogo!” Prince Arlys commands, his voice booming, cutting through the chaos like a knife.

Prince Drogo is on his feet, but Prince Arlys and Prince Rinan are between him and the bear, looking ready to fight if they have to. Like a wild animal, Prince Drogo paces the space behind his friends, looking like all he needs is one small thing to go on the attack again.

Which means I should keep my mouth shut.

Garrick stands, wiping blood from his mouth. “I take it this means you’re denying my offer.”

The tension in the air changes. My gaze snaps to the three wolves. To my surprise, their faces aren’t easy to read, although I get the sense they’re upset. But their answer… their answer should be simple, right? It should be a no.

Prince Arlys turns to fully face the bear, his back to Prince Drogo, and a solemn look on his face. “No.” And the word drops between us like a stone. “The alphas believe this deal is the only way for our survival.” He takes a ragged breath, a flash of outrage crossing his face. “The marriage will happen tonight.”

“And what if I refuse?” I ask, my hands curling into fists.

Prince Arlys answers, his expression far away. “As our wife, we make these kinds of decisions. You know that.”

Still, I could. But to what end? They can make me marry him, and we need access to the bear lands to cure this illness. My people’s illness.

I guess I don’t have a choice.

None of the wolves look at me; they’re all too wrapped up in their own anger to see that I’m not handling this well either. My legs shake, and I crumble to the couch. A fourth husband? Is this really happening?



The hall is adorned with elements of rustic elegance. Candles flicker in sconces along the walls and along the entire long table. A fire burns angrily in the fireplace, lighting the room in a warm glow. It would be pretty any other time.

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