Page 35 of Their Cursed Wolves

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“What am I doing?” he murmurs against my neck.

His nose leaves my throat, and his gaze meets mine. His eyes glow yellow, and he puts both my hands in one of his and trails the other down my body. My breathing is rapid. Our eyes are locked. He’s about to reach my breasts… when Princes Arlys and Rinan open his door.

Prince Drogo whips his head around and freezes, every muscle in his body tense. I don’t know what he’s going to do, and I don’t know what I want him to do. Will they watch us? Will they join in?

Everyone just stares at each other, but his erection remains, hard and practically pulsing between my thighs. Is this thing over? Do we stop like with Prince Rinan?

“Should we come back later?” Prince Rinan asks in a sickly-sweet voice.

Prince Drogo grumbles as he rolls off of me, and I instantly miss his heat. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he runs his hand over his face just like Rinan did earlier. Frustration is etched in every inch of his body.

Princes Rinan and Arlys are all grins as they watch us. Prince Rinan nudges Prince Arlys, and I get the sense that if they were little girls, they’d be giggling. What’s so funny, I’m not really sure. Probably me. Most jokes are on me.

Sitting up, I sigh, feeling frustrated myself. “For a group of males who absolutely under no circumstances want to sleep with me, you’re certainly always pressing your hard erections against me. Maybe work on that.” I smooth down my dress and move as far on the bed as I can away from Prince Drogo.

“What do you mean always?” Prince Arlys asks.

He’s the only one who hasn’t tried to sex me up this morning, but I wouldn’t put it past him. A pack moves as one, right? So he can hardly look so innocent.

Prince Drogo clears his throat and gets out of the bed, facing the wall for a moment before he turns around and joins Arlys and Rinan by the door. I glance down at his crotch and see the mast is lowering. Interesting. He didn't take nearly as long as Rinin.

“So they’re all different, huh? Like snowflakes?”

They stare at me.

Prince Arlys awkwardly says, “What?”



I take that as a sign to continue. “Prince Rinan needed a lot more time to get his under control than Prince Drogo. Is it based on size or something?”

“Mine is bigger,” Prince Drogo and Prince Rinan say as one.

I shrug. “I haven’t gotten a good look at either of them, Prince Rinan’s more than Prince Drogo’s, so I can’t be sure.”

Prince Arlys regards them strangely, his voice a little cold. “That’s good at least.”

I glance his way. “Should I expect a visit from your erection soon?”

Now, he doesn’t look as cool and calm. “Uh, I don’t think so. I mean, no.”

“You don’t think so? Or no? Because I don’t know how many mornings I can wake up with something big and hard poking in my back.”

“Big and hard, I like that,” says Prince Rinan with a grin.

Prince Arlys is actually blushing. “I’ll, uh, try to keep my big, hard erection away from you.”

“I didn’t say that,” I clarify. “Just warn a girl first.”

His blush only deepens. “I most certainly will.”

I nod.

There’s an awkward pause, and then Prince Rinan asks, “What did you discover about the curse?”

Three sets of eyes are suddenly on me, all humor, all embarrassment, gone. There’s just complete focus. I open my mouth, then see a pitcher of water on Prince Drogo’s table and hurry toward it. They watch as I pour a glass of water and hold the cup in the air triumphantly.

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