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Betsy could barely breathe upon hearing her husband's words.



Oh God.

"You think I'm going to leave you," she whispered.

"How could you not?"

Oh, this man.

It killed her to hear the way agony had ravaged his voice, and even though she, too, had pieces of her heart that had yet to heal, how could he think that this was it for them?

"You wanted to marry Charlotte to protect your pride," Betsy pointed out shakily. "But you chose to marry me even if it would cost you your pride...and it did. The secret you wanted to keep...the whole world knows about it now, but you didn't c-care. All you cared about was h-how I felt. So y-you tell me, husband. How could I not stay knowing that?"

Lukas could only stare at his wife. Was she saying what he thought she was saying? Was she truly willing to give him another chance?

"And when I think about everything that's happened and everything you did," Betsy continued in a voice that still trembled with pain, "I can't believe I've been so stupid and blind that it's taken me this long to hear what you've been saying all this time without the—-"

Lukas hauled his wife into his arms, and this time she molded her body against his like they were two pieces that were meant to be one.

"I'll give you the words now if you still want it," Lukas said in a voice that was not quite steady.

A teary laugh slipped past her lips. "I will always want it."

"Then I'll say it all the time," Lukas vowed. "I love you, Betsy. I love you. And I will love you and our son until the day I die."


BETSY SETTLED INTO the armchair by the fireplace of their hotel suite before carefully peeling the wax seal off her husband's letter.

To my beautiful wife:

I was told that writing a letter is a must for every man who has found their heart's match, and it is a tradition I find myself surprisingly keen to keep.

Oh, this man.

Who knew her Lukas could be so wonderfully eloquent in his writing? Even though they had now been married for over a year, she could still count on one hand the number of times he had texted her anything other than 'yes' or 'no'.

Another thing I was told was how everything I knew would change once I found the one. And for a time, I did think Kyr was right. Everything did change because of you.

But now I realize he was only partially correct. It was true that everything did change for me, but only when I found not one but two.

And now he was making her cry—-

Because it's you and David that changed everything. It's the two of you that made me who I am. It's the two of you who showed me what it means to pray. And believe. And so my promise to both of you, I will never break. I will love you and our son until the day I die.

—-not just because he had written the sweetest thing ever, but also because when Lukas had told her he was writing her a letter, she had assumed it would be his way of pranking her again.

But she was obviously wrong, and the realization had Betsy dashing to their bedroom, in which she found her husband standing by the window, and her letter in his hand.

"Dear Jake," the billionaire read out loud in a drawl.

"I'm sorry," she cried out. "I thought you were pranking me, so I thought I'd prank you back."

"So you do not really know anyone named Jake?"

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