Page 40 of Puck Me Already

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"So, upon speaking with Annette and the officers, we were wondering if you could care for Eric until we get things sorted out."

"Of course." I smiled since that was such a relief. I was convinced it would be so much harder to take Eric with me since it seemed like the Carmichaels weren’t allowed to take away from the violence. I was just glad that Luke was getting arrested for the evening. Everything could change in the next twenty-four hours, but at least he wasn't worried for a little bit. "What hospital is she being taken to?"

"Mount Saint Joseph’s."

Oh, thank goodness. It was one of the best in the area, and the Legacy often did charity at that hospital. That was a relief to know that she was going to be in good hands.

I was ready to put Eric in the car. I would worry about getting him some new things soon since I knew it was an active crime scene, and they wouldn't likely let him go back inside. Besides, Annette's body was a wreck. There had to be tons of blood splatter and just broken things about if she was that beat up.

"Mr. Suzuki, we will still need to take a statement from the boy. We can do it in the car if he's up to it."

I looked at Eric, and he nodded. So the four of us headed to the car, and we heard about the horrors from the evening.

Chapter 38


Spence should have been home hours ago, and anytime I called him, it went straight to voicemail. Did he get into an accident? Did something happen?

I was just freaking out since I wanted to see my boyfriend so badly.

Eventually, I said fuck it to the sexy bra and underwear and grabbed one of his sweatshirts since it was cold, trying to be all sexy for no one.

After an hour of waiting, I decided to call my brother. If I didn't get a hold of him, I would at least know it was a team thing rather than just a Spencer thing.




Oh fuck it, and I got the voicemail too.

I sunk down into the massive bed and just stared at the ceiling.

With my mind going to every shitty scenario possible, I needed to rule things out. I went straight to my phone and I checked the flight details. The plane supposedly landed, so at least it wasn't a plane crash. Then I called the only guy who would possibly be up at this hour.

Of course, Scuba would pick up on the first ring, and he was chipper as he said, "Why are you calling, chica?"

"Have you heard from Spence or even my brother?"

"Not since we left the airport. However, Carter had some car issue, and Spence was going to drop him off at his place." Then I heard the sound of R&B music come into Scuba's background. "Hey, I got to go. My guest is about to get here."

I shook my head. Of course he got home late and scheduled a booty call. "Thanks for the info. Be safe."

"Always am. Too many problems if I don't keep it wrapped up." He hung up.

It was a good thing that Scuba hung up since it prevented me from saying that he already had a slip-up, and it hadn't come back to haunt him yet or something just as stupid. He was a sexual creature.

But knowing the guys should have been home didn't do anything to ease my worries.

Thankfully, my phone rang, and it was so good to see it was my brother. I answered, "Everything okay, Carter?"

He yawned first as if he was still trying to wake up from a long sleep or about to crash out. "Sorry. Spence will be home soon, so stop worrying. We had to talk with the police. He might have gone to the hospital." He let out an even more epic yawn. "I'm sorry, but I got to go, sis. Just know all is well." He hung up.

I wanted to kill him. How could he just say that all was well but mention the police were involved and that there could be a hospital trip?

I was about to call Spencer when I saw lights coming down the driveway.

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