Page 37 of Puck Me Already

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When my phone rang, I was surprised that it was Spencer calling. He always texted me after that failed phone sex. I picked up and said, "Hello."

"Are you safe?"

I was taken aback. It was so desperate and needy, as if he thought something was up.

I looked out my window to see if there was something, but nothing was out of the norm. Just some trees and the other townhomes.

"Of course, what do you know that I don't know?"

"Eric called, and apparently, Luke is making threats against you and his mom, so I needed to hear your voice. Plus, I want to get a security detail on you ASAP, but I won't do it without your consent."

I groaned. I didn't know what was worse, knowing that Luke was making threats to me and Eric's mom or that Spencer wanted to hire a security team now. It was that one step that proved that Luke was a stalker.

The worst bit, I had no clue how to help Eric and his family. So, it was better to focus on the one thing that we could control. The security detail that I didn't really want. "Can they be super discreet since Siobhan doesn't even have them?"

That's when I heard my brother's voice in the background, "Actually, she does have a security team, and you'd be surprised how often someone is keeping an eye on her when she is out and about."

Great, this was another time in my life when Spencer and Carter were trying to decide what was best for me. While I was sure Spencer meant well by looping in Carter, it made me feel like I didn't have a say in my own life.

Seeing my bodyguard take a seat at a nearby booth was oddly comforting. I didn't realize how much I would like knowing that someone was there to make sure that shit didn't go down again.

Watching Annette come into the coffee shop, I smiled. That's when the waiter came with two tea cups and a teapot. I picked out a beautiful white cherry tea to talk. With ordering ahead, Annette wouldn't have to worry about not having money or anything.

We were still taking a massive chance by meeting out in public, but when she reached out, I couldn't ignore it since maybe this was when she decided to leave him once and for all. God, I could only hope that's why she was here.

She sat down, slightly out of breath, and immediately reached for the cup of water. Then, she took a swig. After she collected herself, she stared down at me, "Why did you recommend me to fucking Terry Scrubewski?"

What? That's what we're talking about? A dog walk recommendation?

"Because you're amazing with dogs and take such good care of them. Spence and I recommended you to half the team."

I picked up the teapot. She waved me off, so I just poured one cup of tea and wanted to know why this was such a bad thing.

She sighed. "Do you not realize how Terry makes things so much harder? I mean, like a metric shit ton harder. I'm already risking so much by doing these dog walks and having a second cell phone, but I can not, under any circumstance, have any contact with Terry. None."


Here I’d thought ordering tea would be a good thing. I didn't realize I would be unleashing some sort of tea about her history.

Well, maybe.

“That’s Eric’s biological dad, and it’s beyond complicated. Why would you give him my number?”

While I suspected this for so long, I felt vindicated to know that I was right. While today isn’t the right day, I totally wanted to ask so many more questions.

This was a fragile woman, and it felt wrong to push for too many details. It was one thing to think that Scuba was the dad, and then basically hearing it from the horse’s mouth was another story. I literally only recommended her to Scuba because he had a dog, Walter, and he needed a new walker.

After taking a sip of the hot liquid, I carefully set my cup down. "Honestly. I recommended you because you're good with dogs. If it helps, I gave him your name along with twenty others to contact. That man needs to stop screwing around since Walter deserves better."

Annette rolled her eyes and said, "Did not need to know that, but I blocked his number. I need you to promise me that you won't ever give my number to him again if he asks you."

I nodded. "I promise. I won't, and I'm sorry. I didn't know that he wasn't to contact you."

She relaxed a little bit.

"Thanks. That means a lot."

After finding out about how Scuba was a no-go, I had to ask. "Besides Scuba, is there anybody else that I can't recommend?"

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