Page 15 of Puck Me Already

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If he was good at oral, he was even better with conventional sex, yet it wasn't even that conventional since he had so much damn stamina and knew all the best positions that just made me feel better and better. Then again, I was so much more sensitive this time around that it seemed to make things even more powerful.

Two things I knew to be true. I was addicted to Spencer and multiple orgasms were amazing.

Chapter 15


Ijust wasn't suicidal enough to invite Carter's ire first thing in the morning. So I sneaked back into my place as quietly as I could. It was a walk of shame, but man, it was fucking worth whatever Carter planned to throw my way.

Of course, he was sitting in the kitchen, giving me the death stare as he held a cup of coffee in his hand.

How stereotypical, but I got it.

I opened up my arms to expose my stomach. "If it will make you feel better, go ahead and punch me."

Carter's brows furrowed.

Why was he confused by my actions? Wasn't this how we got over the fact that I slept with his sister?

When he continued to stare at me with that bewildered look on his face, I had to say something since the direct approach was clearly confusing him. "Isn't this the way we're supposed to fix things?"

Carter chuckled and shook his head. "Only in rom coms and romance novels."

I raised an eyebrow. I'd lived with him far too long for me to miss out on an important detail like how he liked to watch and read those types of movies and books.

His laughter just grew, and he said, "My sister loves hockey romance. She's forced me to watch more than my fair share of romance movies."

I chuckled. Natalie was a book nerd, and I knew she liked romances, but that was about it. Playbooks were the only thing that I really read. I didn't realize that it was some sort of trope to have the friends punch each other. "All right. So what do I do to make things better with you?"

Carter shrugged, "Give me some time to adjust. While I always knew you had a thing for her, it's way too weird to think that she's felt the same way. I had no clue."

"Neither did I. Glad I'm not the only clueless one." That didn't seem so bad. I could handle that. Hell, Nat and I already planned not to throw things in his face.

Knowing that practice was in a few hours, I needed caffeine. Not only to wake me up but also to help feed my muscles for practice. Coffee before every skate.

I turned towards him and held up the pot to silently ask if he needed a refill.

Carter shook his head and drank from his cup, only to emphasize that he didn't need any more coffee. He always drank just enough and never walked into practice with a half-filled mug, like me.

After pouring whole coffee beans into the grinder, I pushed the button and stared at my brother-in-arms. The beans bounced and quickly became that fresh powder. Then, I packed it into the filter with the grounds.

Carter pushed out his bottom lip with his tongue, which was always his sign that he had more to say.

As my coffee percolated, I asked, "What else aren't you saying?"

He stood up a little straighter as if he wanted to intimidate me. Sadly, we both knew he wasn’t a fighter, and I was the one who usually defended him.

"There's going to be some ground rules if you're going to see Natalie on a regular basis. Especially when I'm crashing at your place."

I went over to the fridge to pull out the creamer. "Okay, what kind of rules?"

Depending on what they were, I would agree, and knowing Carter, they would be reasonable.

Carter sighed and sipped his coffee, making me wish my cup was done brewing. So I drummed my fingers as he stalled. After a few moments, he said, "I don't ever want to hear about your sex life when you're dating her. Never ever. It's my little sister and eew."

I chuckled. That was the most obvious rule ever. Hell, even if I wasn’t dating his sister, he didn’t want to hear about her sex life.

"Deal. I never planned on doing that anyway." The coffee finally stopped brewing. I poured my cup and splashed it with cream. "Any other rules?"

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