Page 1 of Puck Me Already

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About 5 months before


It's long been said that when I was fired up and stirring the pot, the rest of the team followed suit.

The trip out to play the eastern conference powerhouses was crucial to our playoff push and likely success with this current configuration of the team. We needed to pick up as many points as we could get.

I was pissed off the last two times we played the Sound. We couldn't have a normal game where it was just hockey. Nope, we had to have the limelight on us by having the first female goalie and ref in a game. Normally, I'm all about female empowerment, but it was getting a ridiculous amount of eyes on our games just because it was a girl doing something in hockey. On top of that, it was clear the Sound guys were all falling for those girls.

Between the cheap shot by Colson in the third to my ribs and getting the penalty that caused us to lose the game as I was protesting the lack of call, I was pissed off. Then to see a Cleveland Sound player macking on the female ref after the game, I don't know what came over me other than I wanted the asshole to feel the same way.

What the hell was the guy even doing here in Pittsburgh? It’s not like he was playing tonight or even tomorrow. It had to be for her.

I walked over to the kissing couple, "Oh look, the slut has found herself a man."

It was a low blow, but I was spoiling for a fight. I didn't care. Hell, I didn't even mean what I said. I just needed him to be ready to swing at me so I could let out some anger.

Of course he took the bait and stepped forward as he shoved his girlfriend to the background. "What have I told you about speaking to Nastia like that?"

As if I would actually punch her. I was just hoping to get him riled up so I could burn off this pent-up energy.

If I wasn't so pissed off, I would have given the ref some credit for trying to keep Smith from doing anything stupid by grabbing his arm and saying, "Don't do it. He's not worth it, Jaxson."

"I know," Jaxson said quietly, but he didn't stand down at all.

I couldn’t help myself, "Yeah. Listen to your little girlfriend there. Although, why would you waste your time with a slut who's only using you to get ahead in the world?"

I really should stop calling her a slut. It was such a demeaning term to women, and from what I could see, she was only into one guy. No clue what she saw in Jaxson, but it wasn't my call.

If I was being truly honest with myself, half the reason I hated seeing overt PDA right now was the fact that the one girl that I had a massive crush on wouldn't give me the time of day. Not that I could act on it, either. The problem of loving your best friend's little sister. To make it worse, I hired her to help take control of my life so I was always around her, and I couldn't ever touch her.

"Take that back." Jaxson pushed up his sleeves and flexed his arms to show off his muscles. "We both know I won the last scrap. Are you sure you want to keep taunting her?"

The destined fight was going to be over before it even really started since I saw Coach coming out of the arena doors out of the corner of my eye. I would have to figure out another way to settle down from tonight. Most likely drinking or talking to my crush.

Coach walked by. "Suzuki, get your ass on the bus. Stop harassing the linesman."

I got on the bus without saying another word. At least we were going straight to the airport so we could fly back.

I woke up my phone, hoping that I might have a few messages from Natalie. Who cared if it was only about managing my social media or my upcoming schedule? Maybe I would start a Facetime with her under the guise of work.

Chapter 1


Bang, bang, bang.

I rolled over and swore. It was far too early to be awake. But it had to be something important. So I opened the bedroom door to see my best friend and captain of the Vancouver Legacy, Carter Carmichael. He was also the man of hundreds of nicknames.

Thanks to losing his kitchen to a rebuild project, he was crashing at my place. He would have done the same thing for me.

As I opened the bedroom door, I asked, "Why are you waking me up?"

I noticed a girl was walking out of the house. I didn't realize that Carter had anyone over last night. She looked unhappy about leaving rather than perfectly sated.

If he was kicking a girl out and waking me up, something was up.

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