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Things were definitely improving. Not once did PK annoy her with his incessant drum playing, and she was finally able to turn in her article to the magazine.

As a result, she dragged Blair out with her for some drinks to celebrate. The only bad part of the night was when Blair ended up leaving early. Clarissa danced and drank three more margaritas after that.

Clarissa knew she was in no state for driving. She wasn't too sure if she was walking in a straight line, and the lights were giving her a little bit of double vision. Thankfully, she opted not to wear her heels, so she didn't have to worry about rolling her ankle while she was drunk.

As she rounded the corner, a super sexy sports car caught her eye. She was looking at the bright red Acura NSX Supercar, when she walked into something very solid. A set of arms wrapped around her body to keep her from falling over. That's when she recognized the cologne, and she just started going, "No. No. No."

Running into PK was not her idea of fun. Especially when she’d literally ‘run into’ him. At least she was dressed in one of her favorite outfits: jeans that cupped and accentuated her round butt, a great flowy black top that didn't hide the fact she had curves, and cowboy boots. She felt sexy.

There was a chuckle that seemed to rumble PK's stomach. "Oh, don't be that way, Clarissa. I could have let you fall on your ass."

She looked straight up to the sky, praying for some temperance because she wanted to push his chest and didn't care if she fell straight onto her ass.

The strange thing was the two of them didn't separate like they hated each other. Instead, he held her still for a moment. It was almost like he liked holding her. Which was impossible. The two of them didn't even like each other.

PK looked over his shoulder and said, "May I help you?"

He casually let go of Clarissa, but she still held onto his muscled core as she looked to the side to see who he was talking to.

PK chuckled again. "You know, Clarissa, if you wanted to look at my ass, all you had to do was ask."

She smacked his abs and said, "It wasn't the view I was going for."

"The lady doth protest too much," PK said with a smile.

There was no arguing with him. If she did, he would be more convinced that she was trying to look at his ass. Thankfully, he turned and bent down. That's when this adorable fluffy puppy with a big bow and leash was fully revealed.

Since it was late in a suburban neighborhood, there were few people out on the street. It was only her and PK just then.

She had to admit that it was sexy to see the hockey player be so infatuated with the puppy. He was petting it and letting the black and white puppy lick his hands.

PK said in a low, husky voice, "Where's your owner, little guy? It's late."

"I don't see anyone else but us in any direction." Even the cars had stopped passing them. "We might want to take it to a vet."

"It? Don't tell me you hate puppies too, Clarissa."

"No. I don't want to mislabel the puppy." She really wasn't sure how to identify its gender. She bent down and petted the puppy with PK. "It's super cute."

"He's super cute." PK showed the underbelly to Clarissa. "He's a boy. I grew up on a farm."

She’d had no idea he was a bit of a farm boy. Then again, since PK would routinely piss her off, the only thing she knew about him was that he was a hockey player and thought highly of himself. "We should still take him to a vet. He probably has a chip to help with tracking."

"Yeah." PK sounded so reluctant "Although, if he doesn't, I wouldn't mind keeping him. I've wanted a puppy for so long, and now that I'm not playing, I would have time to really take care of it."

Clarissa could relate. She was a travel blogger and didn't stay at her apartment for long stints of time. It's why when she was there, she wanted to be at peace and really relax. "I hear you. I've wanted one too."

PK scooped up the dog. "Maybe we can take care of him together."

"Why would you want that? I thought you didn't even like me."

"Come on. Let's take him to a vet now. If we keep planning things, it'll just get our hopes up." He sounded so sullen with that last statement. It wasn't his usual upbeat personality. Clarissa realized he must be a big softie when it came to dogs and he really wanted this one.

"You're driving," Clarissa said.

"No shit, Sherlock," PK said with a smirk. There was the asshole. But he continued to rub the dog's head. "My car is this way."

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