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"Yeah. It would be," PK said with a sly smile. "You okay if I go home with you and Nathan tonight?"

"Yeah. That sounds perfect.”

He gave her another passionate kiss. Each kiss made her hatred of him ghosting her disappear and her love for him come back to life. Both of them could make for some better days now that they seemed to have overcome the needless heartbreak.

She was interested to know why PK wanted to keep her away from the condo until 9:30 p.m. Knowing their time was so limited before he had to go back to Cleveland, she wanted to spend all the time in the world with him instead of being at a benefit toy drive.

Chapter 12


Things went way better than he ever expected.

It would take time to completely rebuild trust between them, but he was just glad that he had that time to do it. He had to be steadfast, but he wasn't tempted at all by the puck bunnies, so he wasn't worried about the time they would spend apart. Being long distance was inevitable, since both their careers took them out on the road. Maybe when he finally hung up his skates for good, he would follow Clarissa on her world travels.

The gig at the toy drive was spectacular. It was one of the best toy drives he'd ever been part of, and he was happy to have done so much. The Sound had even helped to get him some great discounts on hockey gear that he donated to the kids.

Best of all was the music. They really played well, especially given the fact that they hadn't been able to practice as a group in weeks. He even saw Clarissa smiling and dancing to the beat. That made his night, since he knew how much she hated his drum playing.

If he didn't have to fly back to Cleveland in the morning, he would have wanted to hang out with the guys for a bit and just relish playing so damn well. Instead, he wanted to take Clarissa home, especially now that his surprise for her should be ready.

He looked around the room and found Clarissa talking to some of their neighbors. He went up to her and immediately wrapped an arm around her waist. He leaned his head close to her. "Ready to go home?"

"I thought you would never be ready," Clarissa said with a smile.

They quickly made their goodbyes to their neighbors. He was surprised that Nathan wasn't with her, but as soon as Clarissa went over to a group of kids by one of the Christmas trees, it all made sense. Natedog seemed to be relishing the attention. Although, as soon as PK came up to the group, Nathan ran straight for him.

He scooped up the little puppy and said, "Say goodbye to your friends."

Nathan let out a bark, which made PK smile. He loved how Nathan obeyed and answered him. He was so grateful to get his family back and to go home.

After stalking Clarissa's blog, he realized how much she truly loved the holidays. Especially getting the twinkly lights and the coziness of a winter day. She loved the concept of hygge and how wonderful the holiday was in Denmark. He found a decorator who promised that she could recreate a Scandinavian winter wonderland.

He was almost giddy with the surprise. The only thing he wanted more than to see her reaction was to have sex with her again.


PK was up to something. Even if he hadn't said that they couldn't go home until 9:30 p.m., the way his eyes were full of mischief and excitement made it clear he had something else up his sleeve.

As she pulled into the underground parking lot, she said, "Alright. Spit it out already. What did you do?"

"What do you mean what did I do?" He tried to play coy. He looked down at the puppy in his lap and said directly to Nathan, "Can you believe it? Your mommy thinks I'm up to no good."

The puppy started to lick his chin, causing him to chuckle and squirm in his seat. It was so funny to see the big bad hockey player turn into such a softie. She would never get over the dichotomy of his personality.

After such a good evening, she felt like the bearer of bad news. But it needed to be done. At least it could be done with a bit of humor. "Do you think your pal will cramp your style after Christmas?"

Much to her surprise, he smiled. "Natedog would never do that. Besides, I knew it was coming. You're going to South America, so I talked to Petey and he's down for having Nathan until the end of the year. His wife can look after him when we are on the road. It's a win-win."

Her jaw dropped. She couldn't believe that he knew that she was going to South America. She announced it on her blog earlier that week.

"You read my blog."

He smirked. "Of course I do."

He leaned over and kissed her ear. It was a good sign. She loved that he actually read it. So many people in her life thought it was a silly hobby that she would outgrow or just didn’t care. She loved how he truly took the time to read it.

They went up to her condo. While it was beautiful, it was odd to see five small wreaths hanging on her door. It reminded her of something she saw hanging in a Christmas market. It was weird because she hadn’t set up any holiday decorations, despite thinking about doing it before their relationship hiccup.

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