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He knew he could get smacked for the next response, but he was going to take the risk anyway. "Well, you do have a family now. You, me, and the little guy."

Much to his surprise, she smiled and just laid her head down. She looked so damn sexy and sleepy all at the same time. He soothed her hair and gave her one more kiss. Fortunately, she kissed him back. "I like the sound of that."

"As do I. I promise I'll be back soon, but until then, I'll call."

"Sounds good." Her eyes fell shut. He placed one last kiss on her forehead. He hated leaving.

"Sleep well, sweetheart." He backed out of the bedroom and quickly headed to his place to grab everything he would need for the road trip. His mind kept slipping back to his two loves in the condo next door.

Normally, he would leave without a second’s hesitation. Returning to the Sound was all that he dreamt of. But Clarissa meant so much to him. He was just glad that in her sleepy state, she didn't try to fight him when he said that they were a family in the making.


She hated waking up alone, but at least, she was given a proper goodbye. She walked downstairs to see Nathan lying on the couch. She immediately went over to where PK stored all the stuff needed for Nathan's puppy medicine. After spooning some peanut butter into the bone, she shoved the pill into the peanut butter.

That's when the little pup came over to her and she handed over the bone which he readily accepted. She handed it off and said, "It looks like it will be just me and you for a little bit. Hope you don't miss Daddy too much."

As she said that to Nathan, she realized she was going to miss PK. She was still sore from how much they went at it the night before, but she wished they had time for one more round. The only thing she wouldn't miss was the drumming.

She set up her laptop to start working on the blog posts and went over her latest swing through Asia. Of all her travels, she loved exploring Asia best. She loved going to Laos, Vietnam, South Korea, Japan, and China. Knowing that she was planning on going to South America next and there was always some sketchy internet access, she wanted to pre-schedule some of the blog posts for the next several weeks.

She was in the writing zone. She was having so much fun going through some of the candies that she’d picked up on her travels. It helped that she nibbled on some of the candies, like the sesame seed covered gummy from China and the vun. Sweets were her favorite thing to bring back to the States from her travels. When she could, she would try to bring back some fabulous clothes, but being curvy, clothes were much harder to find.

She was just adding in some of her photos when her phone started to ring. She looked at her phone and smiled. It was PK. She cooed, "Hey you."

"Hey there," he said. She could practically hear the smile in his voice even if they weren’t on Facetime. "How's my favorite travel blogger doing?"

"Busy at the keyboard," she said as she closed the laptop to focus on the video call. Nathan jumped up to her lap and started whimpering. She petted the space between his ears. "Seems like someone else wants to say hi."

"Hey boy, are you being good for Mommy?"

It was amazing how right PK had been when he said they were a family. They literally fell into those roles so quickly, and it was all thanks to the puppy sitting in her lap. Nathan first yipped into the phone as if he was trying to answer PK once again. It was crazy how much the pup would respond to PK's questions.

But to be safe, she clarified, "He's been good for the most part. Taking his meds and doing his business when we go outside."

“Good. God, I miss you two so much,” he said with a sappy look on his face. She felt the same way. “I can’t wait to come back home and see you guys again.”

“Yeah, me too.”

It was kind of crazy how quickly she’d gone from counting down the days until they could get away from each other to counting down the days until she could see him again.

In the background of the phone, she heard a guy yell, “Come on, PK, it’s time to go.”

He frowned as he started to shift position so he could stand. “Sorry, sweetheart, I’ll talk to you soon. Okay?”

“Sounds good. Talk to you soon.”

Chapter 8


Everything felt great. He was flying across the ice and reading the passes better than ever. It was perfect for making the team on a permanent basis.

As he and Petey hopped over the boards after their latest shift, Petey commented "I'm glad you're back."

There was a serious undertone of you better not mess it up. But it was nice pairing with Petey. He was the team's top defenseman, and it had been great watching the kid grow over the past few years. PK always kind of dreamed of getting paired with Petey, but with his knee being so banged up over the past few years, he was used to stabilizing the second or third d-pairing, since he wouldn't be able to keep up with Petey.

"Me too," he said with a hint of melancholy as his mind started to drift back to the two special people left behind. He tried to remind himself that he needed hockey and that he would see Clarissa and Nathan back in Bourbon next week over the holiday break. Thankfully, that break was only a week away. He just had to keep his big boy pants on and relish his playing time while he had it.

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