Page 82 of Daddy's Soul

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“It’s just . . . you can be a lot.” Like, right now. When she didn’t know what way was up and what was down.

“Am I more than you can handle?”

She didn’t know if she imagined a soft note in his voice. Vulnerability?

She doubted it.

“I . . . I hope not.” She closed her eyes. In for a penny, in for a pound.

It wasn’t like she’d gone into any of this with her eyes closed. Faith knew he was a pushy bastard who got what he wanted.

This time, what he wanted also happened to align with what she’d always desired but had been too afraid to ever ask for.

Which was probably what scared her the most.

“My brave girl. You’re being so good.”

She let out a small laugh that was also close to a sob.

“So, back to your choices. You can get a spanking now. It will be shorter, and you will get it out of the way. Or you can put your punishment off. There’s a catch, though, since you won’t know when I’m going to spank you. Or how. That will be my choice. And a surprise for you.”

Was there an option C? Because neither of those options appealed.

She couldn’t imagine going over his lap right now.

But that meant he could spring a punishment on her at any time.

Well, maybe you’ll get fired again before he gives you that punishment.

Now there was a cheery thought.

Why do now what she could put off until later?

Yes, she knew that wasn’t the saying . . . but everything felt a bit raw.

She felt vulnerable. Worn down.

Everything was getting on top of her, and she was worried that as soon as he touched her, she’d burst into tears.

Reuben watched her with too-knowing eyes. His face seemed to soften, although that might have been her imagination.

“Later, then.”

She nodded.

“Just be aware, Little Blossom. This might feel like a reprieve, but it’s not. I’m an exacting bastard. You know I like things done a particular way, and none of that changes just because of our relationship. If anything, I will be more demanding.”


That word seemed to echo in her brain.

Was that really what was happening? If it was . . . she knew it would be like no relationship she’d ever experienced in her life.

Not that she had a lot of experience. Matt was her longest partner.

And you ruined that.

“What does that even mean to you?” she asked. “Like . . . is it . . . do you want to date? To see me outside of work? To . . . to do things?”

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