Page 67 of Daddy's Soul

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She spluttered. “B-because I have f-free will!”

“Interesting that you think that.” He pushed the button for the underground garage before setting her on her feet. She moved to the other side of the elevator, and he gave her an amused glance. “Because you don’t.”

This was . . . he was . . . out of control!

“You’re nuts.”

“I’m also the person who is in charge now. Do you not remember what you agreed to?”

Wait. Did he really mean because she’d said yes to him helping her?

He’s joking.

Well, maybe not joking. Reuben wasn’t the joking type. But he was definitely teasing her.

Hmm. Nope. Try again.

Trying to rattle her?

Yes, that sounded more likely.

When she’d agreed to that she’d been freaking out because of the storm. And she’d told him it was just for the night.

He wasn’t going to start taking over her life and making decisions.

Being her Daddy.

No. Nope.

That would be insane.


“You’re tense. But you shouldn’t be scared since that’s an insult to me.”

An insult to him?

“How do you figure that?” she asked.

“Because you should trust me to keep you safe.”

Her mouth opened and closed. What did you say to such an outrageous statement?

Nothing. When it’s your boss, you say nothing.

“I don’t think you have any control over electricity.”

Or alternatively, you open your big mouth and say that.

“If the electricity goes out again, you don’t have to worry because I will make sure you’re protected.”

She wanted to ask him how he’d manage that while plummeting to their death, but the elevator came to a soft stop.

Breathing a sigh of relief, she stepped out as soon as the doors opened. Solid ground.



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