Page 3 of Daddy's Soul

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He’d prefer not to die with bare feet. Just a strange quirk he had.

The door banged open and Alejandro entered. His gaze narrowed as he took them in. “What the fuck is going on in here?”

“Papi!” Cat smiled and held her arms up. “Up.”

“Catarina,” Alejandro said warningly.

“What?” she asked innocently.

“What are the two of you doing in a bedroom together?” Alejandro asked.

“We were about to have a wild affair, of course,” Cat replied.

Reuben raised his eyes heavenward. “All I ask is that you give me the chance to call my sister and say goodbye.”

“Oh, Rocking Reuby, stop being so dramatic,” Cat told him.

“Nope. Not calling me that, either.”

Cat sighed. “Papi isn’t going to kill you, because there’s no way he’d ever think I’d cheat on him. Would you, Papi?”

Alejandro’s scowl disappeared, and he sighed. “Of course not.” He picked Cat up and put her on his hip. “Doesn’t mean you’re allowed to be in a bedroom with another man, mi Pequeña.”

“Silly Papi, he’s not a man. He’s Reuben.”

“Thanks,” Reuben said dryly as he stood. “That makes me feel so good about myself.”

Cat smiled widely. “You’re welcome.”

“We all need to talk.” Alejandro strode out of the bedroom and into his office. Reuben followed.

Alejandro sat with Cat on his lap and reached into a drawer, pulling out a packet of wet wipes.

Reuben sat across from him as Alejandro cleaned Cat’s face and hands.

“That’s better,” Alejandro said. “Did I say you were allowed to eat ice cream?”

“Is anyone ever not allowed ice cream?” she replied sassily.

“Yes, naughty kittens who spider-slime guests,” Alejandro told her.

“Reuben isn’t a guest,” she protested. “He’s always here. He’s like part of the furniture.”

“You could have said a part of the family,” Reuben told her.

“Hmm. I could have.” Cat’s eyes twinkled.

Such a brat.

“Right. What do we need to talk about? Is it the new chief of police?” Reuben asked.

Smith Childs was the new chief of police. He was trying to make a name for himself, and his interference was making things difficult for them.

Alejandro frowned. “I’m not that worried. Every new chief of police tries to push their own agenda. He’ll settle down. Or we’ll find something to make him settle down.”

“You want me to get onto that? I can start looking into his background.”

“Yes, see if you can get something on him we can use if he becomes too troublesome.”

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