Page 230 of Daddy's Soul

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No way was she allowed to dance like this in front of other people. He lifted her up in his arms, making her gasp. Which had the added bonus of stopping her singing.

Thank God.

“Daddy! What are you doing? When did you get here? Did you just pop out of the shadows? Or were you invivisibible?”

He stared down at her. “Do you mean invisible?”

“Yeah. That’s what I said.” She turned her head toward Cat. “Poor Daddy, his hearing is going.”

Cat nodded solemnly. “I’ve heard that happens. But don’t worry if they get forgetful. That just means that you can get away with loads more because they’ll forget what you’ve done and to spank you.”

Faith pointed at her. “You . . . you are a freaking genius.”

Cat smiled primly. “Thank you. I try.”

“Well, unfortunately for you, mi Pequeña,” Alejandro said in a soft voice. “My memory is still very much intact.”

“Uh-oh,” Cat said. “I didn’t say you were old yet, Papi.”

“I’m never going to be so old that I forget to punish you. Come on, it’s time for us to go.”

“Go? But it’s my turn to sing.” Cat pouted. “And we haven’t finished drinking.”

“You’re both finished,” Reuben told them.

Faith poked her tongue out and blew a raspberry at him.

“Oh, you’re going to regret that.”

Faith felt so fuzzy.

Like she was floating. Or flying.

“Whee! I’m flying!” she cried as she put her arms out and tried to dive down.

“Fuck! Faith! You’re not flying, I’m carrying you. Don’t do that again or you’ll hurt yourself.”

She stared up at Reuben, tears making her vision go blurry. “You called me Faith.”

He started to swear. “Sorry, baby. That was an accident.”

“I don’ts like it.”

“I know. I really am sorry.” He carried her into her playroom.

“Are we gonna play, Daddy!” She clapped her hands.

“No. You are going to have a nap.”

“But I don’ts want a nap.”

“Tough. You need one. You’ve drunk a lot of tequila and you’re going to crash. Hard.”

“What time is it?” she asked as he sat her on the bed.

“Close to five.” He eyed her. “Maybe it would be better to feed you and put you to bed for the night rather than take a nap.”

“It’s too early to go to bed, Daddy!”

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