Page 196 of Daddy's Soul

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He’s just a mean, miserable man who wants to hurt you.

“If they cared about you, don’t you think they would have come after you, Faith? Huh?”

Her breath froze in her lungs.

Was he right? If they cared would they have come after her? They hadn’t, had they?

Maybe they were glad she was gone.

No, no.

She couldn’t think like that.

“Maybe we’d all be better off without you. Did you ever think of that? That we’d be better off if you . . . just . . . died.”

He placed his hands around her throat, pressing down, restricting her air. And she could see her death in his eyes.

Cammie tried to pull him off as Faith scratched his arms. Suddenly, she heard the front door open. Eric turned, letting her go, as someone threw themselves at him.

Cammie let out a shrill scream as Faith saw Reuben slam his fist into Eric’s face.

Faith winced at the noise, her breath wheezing in and out of her lungs.

Shock filled her as Alejandro stepped into the house. He was accompanied by his two bodyguards. She’d seen them with him at Reuben’s office. And she thought she’d seen them at the charity dinner last night too.

Wait. Was that only last night?

So much had happened.

“Lass? Hey, lass, you all right?”

She stared up at the man speaking to her. He had a Scottish accent? Scottish accents were so sexy.

“Well, thanks, lass. But don’t say that in front of Reuben. I like my head attached to my body.” He winked at her.

“Yes, heads are better when they’re attached to bodies.” She winced as there was another smack of a fist against flesh.

“Stop him! Stop him!” Cammie cried. “He’s going to kill him.”

“Eric was going to kill me moments ago so why shouldn’t Reuben kill him?” Faith asked numbly.

“Okay, I think you’re in shock, lass. We can’t have anyone dying. Not here, anyway.” The guy with the Scottish accent gave Cammie an assessing look.

“Reuben, enough. Let him go.” Alejandro grabbed Reuben, pulling him off Eric.

Oh, that’s why he’d been standing back. To stop Reuben from killing Eric.

“Good job.” She gave Alejandro a thumbs up as he held Reuben back. The other bodyguard had to join him as Cammie let out a cry, falling to her knees beside Eric.

What was she doing?

Faith stared down at her friend in disbelief. “Cammie, get up.”

“Look what he did to him!” she wailed. “You beat him!”

Reuben was still being restrained by Alejandro and his other bodyguard. Huh, they were actually finding it hard to keep him back. To keep him away from Eric.

“Cammie, he hit you,” Faith said numbly. “And he was going to kill me.”

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