Page 172 of Daddy's Soul

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He certainly was.


Rule Eight: Must let Daddy spoil you

By the time they made it to the back of the store, where the play area was, they had a full cart.

“Can I play here, Daddy?” she asked. “Please?”

“I suppose you can for a few minutes.”

“You can leave her here while you go shopping, sir.”

They glanced over as an older woman approached.

Faith moved closer to Reuben. He wrapped an arm around her.

“I do have a few more things to get,” he said.

He did? Like what? Their cart was overflowing.

“Do you want to stay here while I get the other things? Or I can wait here while you play, then we can both go.”

She bit her lip while deciding. “I think I’ll be okay here on my own, Daddy.”

The woman smiled. “I’m Andrea and I’ll be here the whole time. We have these wristbands for each of you.” The woman held a black band up with a flashing red light on it. “You can press this flashing light, dear, if you need your Daddy to come back. It also alerts me too. And I can call you back as well,” she said to Reuben.

Reuben nodded, and she gave each of them a wristband. Reuben still appeared a bit unsure. He cupped her face between his hands. “You’ll stay right here. You will not leave. And you will press that button immediately if anything happens.”

“She’ll be fine, sir,” Andrea reassured him. “She can’t leave, and this is a safe area.”

Reuben shot the woman a hard look and she gulped in response, taking a step back.


Faith had forgotten how intimidating her Daddy could seem to other people.

Who are you kidding? He was intimidating you not that long ago.

“It’s okay,” she said to Andrea. “Daddy is just a worrier. He’d worry his butt off if he could.”

“Um, right,” Andrea responded, still looking unsure.

Reuben drew Faith to him, pressing his lips to her ear. “Worry my butt off? You owe me for that.”

“What do I owe you, Daddy?”

“A blow job. When and where I choose.”

Um. Okay. That was a penalty she would gladly pay.

“All right, Daddy,” she said with a fake sigh. “It’s a tough ask, but if I must.”

“Brat. When did you get so sassy?” he grumbled.

“It was always there. Just hidden.” She’d never been this sassy before. Maybe because, deep down, she’d always worried she’d be too much for Matt.

Perhaps she’d never felt safe enough in that relationship to fully be herself.

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