Page 66 of The SEAL's Runaway

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He scooped Grace up in his arms and lifted her in, his muscles screaming as he fought the wind and the weight of her waterlogged clothing. She did her best to help, dragging her legs over the basket's edge. As soon as she was safely inside, Caleb climbed in beside her, pressing his body against hers in the cramped space.

He wrapped his arms around her and brushed his lips across her forehead. “I’ve got you, and I’m never letting go.”

He pressed the comms button on his helmet. “Swimmer to Coast Guard Rescue 1909. Survivor and I are in the basket. Survivor is conscious but shows signs of hypothermia. Over.”

He waited for the response, his arms still tight around Grace, shielding her from the worst of the wind and spray.

“Coast Guard Rescue 1909 to Swimmer. Roger that. Preparing for extraction. Medical team is standing by. Maintain position and secure survivor. Out.”

With a jerk, the basket rose, swaying in the crazy wind as it lifted them to the Jayhawk.

Finally, the winch locked into place, and the basket hung in front of the open door. Henley reached out and grabbed the cable, guiding them into the aircraft.

The steady thrum of the helicopter’s rotors replaced the deafening roar of the storm as Henley secured the basket.

Relief poured through Caleb. Home.

A firm hand gripped his shoulder, lodging him in reality. “Caleb, you need to let go of her, man, so I can assess her condition.”

Ryder. Caleb blinked, momentarily disorientated. With a nod, he forced himself to release his hold on Grace, stepping aside to allow Ryder room to work. He took a deep breath, attempting to clear the emotional turmoil that clouded his thoughts.

Ryder kneeled beside Grace as he checked her vital signs. Retrieving specialized blankets from his trauma kit, he began the delicate process of gradually rewarming her body and stabilizing her core temperature.

Outside, the Far Horizon was almost submerged beneath the churning waves, a ghostly white gleam as she sank from sight. Caleb forced back the lump that threatened to form in his throat and turned his attention back to the woman who was his entire world.

Ryder was strapping her into a seat. When he finished, he turned to face Caleb, his eyes filled with concern. “That was fucking hairy. I need to check you over, too.”

Caleb gave a clipped nod. “In a minute.”

He kneeled in front of Grace and took her hands in his. So small, but these hands belonged to a fighter. This woman possessed hidden strength. He kissed each hand, tasting salt on her skin, grateful for the skill to rescue her.

He didn’t want to hide anymore. Even if there were no guarantees in life, he could still choose to live. The risk of loving her, of building a life with her, was one he was willing to take.

“Nothing and no one is going to come between us ever again.” He cupped the back of her head, threading his fingers through her damp, tangled hair. “Do you hear that?”

Her eyes fluttered open and focussed on him, a flicker of a smile touching her still-bluish lips. “I do.”

“No more secrets.” Caleb cupped her face in his hands, smoothing the wet strands of hair from her cheeks with his thumbs before capturing her mouth with a kiss.

A tiny moan escaped her, and she leaned into the kiss, into him.

Nothing had ever felt sweeter.


Two months later.

Caleb’s hand locked with Grace’s as he helped her cross the stream. They carried their boots by their laces as cool water swirled around their ankles, refreshingly cold. Dappled light filtered through the canopy of ancient trees, speckling their skin with golden flecks and patches of vibrant blue sky peeked through the branches, a promise of good weather for the rest of the day.

Dolly trotted ahead, her tail wagging with each step. She glanced over her shoulder, ensuring that no one strayed from the path. The patchy regrowth on her side, where Brad had operated, was a reminder of their recent ordeal, but the prognosis was good. There was still plenty of life in his old girl yet.

“Any regrets?” His voice was soft as he caught Grace’s eye.

Grace met his gaze, a flicker of understanding passing between them. “You mean skipping Richard’s sentencing?”

He nodded, a knot of concern forming in his chest. When the cutter had returned Hudson and his crew to dry land, the police had been waiting. Despite Hudson’s best efforts, the legal case had ground on, bringing him to trial. It had been Grace’s choice not to attend his sentencing after she gave her testimony, but he couldn’t help but worry she might later regret her decision. After all, it was a chance to look Hudson in the eye as he faced the charge of Grace’s attempted murder, along with the myriad of drug charges against him.

Her smile eased his worry. “No.” She took a deep breath of the pine-scented air. “I wouldn’t miss this for anything.” She spread her arms wide, gesturing at the lush growth around them. “If the last weeks have taught me anything, it’s that life is for living. And I intend to make every minute count.”

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