Page 27 of The SEAL's Runaway

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A meaty forearm pressed against her windpipe and Richard’s voice rasped in her ear, making her jerk. “House rules are not to be broken.” It was hard to breathe, and despite digging her fingers into his skin, he didn’t budge. Instead, he hardened his grip, flattening her windpipe till she could only snatch the smallest sliver of air?—

“Grace. That’s great news.”

She blinked. “Sorry?”

“That your wrist isn’t broken.” Caleb studied her face, so intently she looked away, too scared of what he might read in her eyes. The man was far too astute for her liking. Instead, she focussed on the computer screen. There was no visible break. Brad was right.

“That’s such a relief, thank you.” She offered Brad a grateful smile.

“My pleasure. Just a few weeks to heal. I’ll strap you up before you go. Can’t be that different to a paw, can it?” Brad chuckled to himself because Caleb’s attention remained skewered on her, making her skin burn.

Brad strapped her wrist with considerate care. She could understand why Caleb liked him. The elastic bandage felt good and firm on her wrist and his attention made the tension that was winding screws on the back of her neck ease a little.


He handed fresh supplies to Caleb; stretchy bandage, tape.

“Brad, I have all this.”Caleb tried to hand the items back.

But Brad dismissed Caleb with a flick of his fingers. “Everyone says that and then they go home and realize they haven’t looked in their first aid kit for over ten years and all they have is out-of-date Advil and a leaky tube of antiseptic cream.” He turned his attention to Grace. “Young lady, you need to rest that wrist and keep it elevated. A few weeks of proper care, and you’ll be good as new.”

Grace nodded, trying to absorb the information while her mind raced with the implications of a lengthy recovery time. Time she didn’t have. “Thank you again. I appreciate it.”

“Not at all. Happy to help.” Brad patted the back of her hand. “Caleb?”

“Grace had some car trouble but we’re getting her back on the road.”

Back on the road. How could she manage hours of driving with an injured wrist, especially with Alex on her tail?

Brad clicked the mouse, and Grace’s X-rays disappeared. “And the ex?”

“Not a problem.” Caleb’s jaw was set. “Thanks. I owe you.”

Uncertainty tightening in her chest, Grace shrugged her injured arm back into her raincoat. She had come too far to let this setback derail her. Because if she did, one thing was certain: she’d pay the ultimate price—with her life.


Leaving Grace to bundle up against the cold, Caleb stepped out into the clinic’s reception area. He wasn’t about to let Brad foot the bill for their visit.

He was relieved Grace’s wrist wasn’t broken, but the nagging realization lingered that driving with a strapped-up wrist would be painful and treacherous.

But there was more.

He liked being with Grace. Hell, he liked her. Way more than he had any right to. But his job was to keep her safe and the best way to do that was to keep his emotions on a tight leash.

Shit. He had it bad. I don’t want her to leave.

He approached the reception desk to pay for the X-ray, passing Molly Hargreaves, the town librarian, who waited with a cat carrier on her lap. Her smile seemed too cheerful against the backdrop of his unease.

Emilia, the receptionist, greeted him with a warm smile, her thick-framed glasses lending her an air of studiousness. “Caleb. Hi. No Dolly today?”

Caleb shook his head. “Hi Emilia. No, no Dolly, but she’s good. I just need to pay for an X-ray.”

“Of course. Just give me a sec.” She bent her head, tapping at the keyboard and clicking through several screens.

The entrance door chimed.

Every nerve in Caleb’s body burned as he turned to check out the new arrival.Two unfamiliar men entered the clinic, a flurry of snow blowing in through the open door with them. This was not good news.

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