Page 2 of The SEAL's Runaway

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“Excellent.” Caleb released the second harness from the clip on his waist. “Tell me your name.”


“Okay, Heather—” A wave crashed over the boat’s rail, sluicing freezing water across the deck and drowning out his words. Caleb swallowed a gasp, consciously slowing his breathing as he’d been taught in his BUD/S training, suppressing his body’s instinctive reflex to panic. The woman, Heather, was sobbing now. He gave her arm a gentle squeeze. “Are you hurt at all?”

She shook her head, so Caleb turned his attention to her companion.

“Sir. It’s Harry?”

The man nodded.

“Is it just your arm, or are you hurt anywhere else?”

The man swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat. “Just my arm.” His voice was hoarse, probably from shouting over the din of the storm.

“Okay, Harry. We’re getting you out of here. Everything is going to be fine. Our medic, Ryder, will secure that arm for you before we take you up.”

Caleb checked over his shoulder. Ryder hit the deck and unclipped himself from the winch. Medic kit slung over his shoulder, he hurried over, legs bent to compensate for the lurching sea, rain streaming against the curve of his helmet. He dropped to his knees beside the man and swung his kit to the deck. “Hey, I’m Ryder.”

Caleb helped the woman to her feet, but she kept her attention locked on Ryder as he examined Harry’s hand. “Will he be okay?”

“Ryder is the best. I need you to put this on.” Caleb helped the woman to step into the harness, then snapped it securely at her shoulders and hips. Snugging the straps tight twice over, he raised his voice over the howling wind. “Heather. Is there anyone else on board?”

The woman hugged her arms, her attention driven inward by the raging weather. “Please get me out of here…”

Caleb moved directly in front of her. “Heather. Is there anyone else on board?” Her eyes were hazy, unfocused. He’d seen this before. Storm survivors overwhelmed, shutting down. He gripped her shoulders between his gloved hands, digging in with firm pressure, forcing her to look at him. “Heather.”

She blinked. Her vision cleared, a wrinkle of annoyance passing across her forehead at his uncomfortable grip.

Good. Emotion would keep her alive.

“Y-yes. Susan. Harry’s sister. We couldn’t get back down. It was too crazy. I don’t know. She might have gone overboard.”

“Okay. Keep your hands here and your legs together. My team mate Jake will meet you at the top. Ready?”

She nodded, knuckles blanched as she gripped the straps across her chest.

Okay. “Jake. Prepare to lift rescue one.”

“Copy that.” Jake’s voice hissed on the comms.“Preparing to lift rescue one.”

“Take her up,” Caleb hollered, already calculating where the missing woman would be. The winch snagged tight and Marie lifted off the deck with an audible squawk as she spun upward, legs windmilling.

One down, two to go. Caleb lurched in careful steps back over to where Ryder was finishing strapping up the man’s arm with efficient skill.

Ryder secured the wrist support in place. “I think it’s broken, but I’ve made it good and given him analgesic.”

Jake’s voice hissed over the comms. “Hoist returning for a second uplift.”

Caleb caught the wildly swinging winch hook while Ryder helped the man into his harness, securing the straps neatly around his injured arm. Finally he attached the winch clip.

“Ready, Henley.” Ryder squinted, tracking the injured man’s progress as he swung off the boat and over the open ocean.

Caleb shifted his gaze to the rise of dark water on the horizon. His gut tightened. Shit. Time was running out.

“Okay ladies, this is Bishop. Thinking time’s over. Get your asses off that boat. Sandra’s fighting me every step of the way.” Bishop’s voice was strained over the screeching engine.

Caleb hunched his shoulders against the sting of icy rain. “One person unaccounted.” He headed for the helm door, arms spread wide for balance.

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