Page 18 of The SEAL's Runaway

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“And that’s it?” Ryder raised an eyebrow in silent challenge.

Caleb leaned back against the porch for support, his facade of indifference faltering under Ryder’s interrogation. “I’m not sure what you’re looking for here.” A hint of frustration crept into his voice. “I’ll get her checked out and speak to Mitch about towing her car this morning. Get her back on the road.”

“You can’t save everyone, Caleb.”

Caleb pushed up to standing. “Don’t judge everyone by your experiences.”

Ryder’s head snapped up.

Shit. “I didn’t mean?—”

“Get her checked out, Caleb.” Ryder shook his head and jogged down the steps to his SUV, where he strapped a squirming Ellie into her car seat.

Caleb followed and reached out, resting his palm on Ryder’s shoulder in a gesture of apology. “I’m sorry. That was unfair. I didn’t sleep well last night.”

Ryder turned and shoulder-hugged his brother. “Forget it.” He closed Ellie’s door with a decisive thud. “But there’s more going on here that she’s letting on. If anything, learn from my experiences. Don’t be like me,” Ryder cautioned as he glanced back at the house. He handed Caleb a paper bag from the passenger seat. “There wasn’t much left, but I tossed what I had in there. I think they’re a similar size.”

Caleb accepted the paper bag. “Thanks. I mean it. Now, get out of here. Ellie’s going to be late for daycare, and the Commander will roast you if you’re late for your shift.”

He waited while Ryder got in and started the engine so he could wave to Ellie as they left, then returned to the house, his thoughts already consumed by the woman waiting inside.

“I should go.” Grace slid off the stool as soon as he re-entered the kitchen.


“No?” Her expression shifted to confused.

“No.” He shook his head, unsure what the hell was going on with him. He didn’t know what was driving him to care for this woman, but he knew he couldn’t let her leave yet. He wanted to take care of her, make her a hot breakfast and get her wrist X-rayed. Even though he couldn’t remember the last time he’d cooked for anyone apart from offering Ellie cookies.

“I’m going to cook you breakfast and make a few calls so we can get your wrist looked at.” He placed the bag Ryder had given him on the counter. “I asked Ryder to bring a few things over for you.” He inclined his head at her crumpled clothes. Although, to him, they didn’t detract from how she looked. They almost made her seem more real, grounded in life, not some plastic ideal.

Grace peered into the bag, pulling out a wool sweater with a mixture of surprise and gratitude. “This was kind. I wasn’t expecting that.” She hesitated, rubbing the fabric between finger and thumb. “Do they belong to his wife?”


“Oh.” She looked crestfallen.

“She left three years ago.” Without a backward glance for her daughter or the husband who adored her.

“I’m so sorry.”

He nodded. “Yeah well. It was hard for a long time, but things are better now. Ryder’s much better, too. Time heals some things.”

“Yeah. It can.” She stilled, her eyes searching his for answers. “Why are you doing this?”

He considered her question for a moment. “Why wouldn’t I?”

Because right now, the truth was far more complicated than he dared to admit.


Morning sun flashed between tapered trees as Caleb drove into Aurora Cove. He’d already called ahead first thing and arranged for Mitch to tow Grace’s car. There was only one road close enough to the forest where she could have left it. He would have rather taken her to get her wrist fixed up first, but when he’d called Brad for a favor, the soonest he could fit them in was midmorning, so her wrist had to wait and they would deal with the car first.

“You need to be prepared for the fact it might be a few days before we get you back on the road.” He rolled his hands around the steering wheel. “Is there anything you need in the car that’s important?”

She nodded. “My raincoat. Everything else was in my backpack.” Her hands twisted in her lap. “If you tell me where I can stay?—”

“You’re staying with me.” His tone was curt, but he didn’t apologize.

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