Page 30 of The Engineer

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Crunchy slush made the sidewalk treacherous. That was Jo’s excuse for holding Griff’s hand as they walked down the main street. And for now, she was sticking with it. Hunger was making her dizzy, so she didn’t have the headspace to untangle the complex new feelings she was experiencing in Griff’s company. Maybe once she’d had something to eat and drink and felt more like herself.


“This looks promising.” He’d stopped under a wooden sign that read Kafe. Red checked blinds framed the window, foggy from the warmth inside. He held open the weathered wooden door and ushered her in.

The robust scent of coffee, edged with cinnamon, greeted Jo as she stepped inside. At the back of the Kafe, a long, solid, pale wood counter stretched the length of the room, its surface polished to a soft sheen. A few early customers perched on mismatched wooden stools, steaming cups at their elbows as they chatted or read the newspaper. Smaller tables filled the rest of the space, patchwork quilts draped over some chair backs, ready to be used by anyone seeking extra warmth.

Griff guided her to the table furthest from the door. He pulled out a chair for her and took a seat, his back to the wall. His assessment of the room was casual, but Jo didn’t miss it. She was getting to know this man, understanding how he worked, how he took care of people. She liked what she saw. How safe he made her feel. And more.

Satisfied by his appraisal, he smiled at her from across the table. The heat of his smile sank into her skin, made her chest go tight.

Don’t get distracted, Jo.

“Still hungry?” Griff angled one brow.

“Starving.” She stared at the menu. The only thing she vaguely recognized was Kaffe. That had to be coffee, right?

A young woman came out from behind the counter, blonde ponytail bouncing as she crossed the room. She was pretty, very pretty.

“God morgen.” The young woman smiled at Griff, showing perfect teeth.

Jo tucked her hair behind her ear. She’d splashed her face with water this morning, but that had been the total of her beauty regime. She must look like a vagrant.

“God morgen.” Griff flashed the waitress a solar level smile. He pointed at the menu and said something in Norwegian.

The girl scribbled in her notepad, her head bobbing in agreement as Griff continued to speak.

Conversation over, he turned to Jo. “I hope you don’t mind. I ordered breakfast for both of us.”

Relief swept through her. “As long as you ordered coffee, I’m good.”

He turned to the waitress. “Takk.”

She beamed, throwing a final appreciative glance over her shoulder at Griff as she returned to the kitchen.

“Takk?” Jo asked.

“Thank you.”

“I need to learn the language.” She laced her fingers together on top of the table. It seemed safer. Out in the open. Two colleagues working. Whatever, her conscience drawled.

“I could teach you.”

She pinked, her traitorous mind thinking of all the things she was sure a man like Griff could teach her. “Maybe later. So, what now?”

“After breakfast, we’ll hike up the cliff behind the sub base. Get a better look at things.” He spread a tourist map on the table. The base was an ominous dark rectangle on the map. Walking trails marked in red dotted lines snaked around the cliffs.

Her heart rate skittered. This was it. What she’d been fighting for, for so long. Finally, it was within reach, only walking distance away. She twisted the map to get a better look. “Where did you get this?”

“At the door.” He angled his head toward an ancient bookshelf near the entrance.

How had she not seen him? “Your super sneaky skills are next level.”

A grin transformed his rugged face. “You have no idea.”

“You seem different today.” She traced a blue flower on the tablecloth with one fingertip.

A crease formed between his eyes that she wanted to smooth away with the pad of her thumb. “I am?”

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