Page 17 of The Engineer

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Look Jo, we seem to have got off on the wrong foot. No, that made it sound like she’d done something wrong. He tugged the shirt down over his abdomen, snugged his gun holster to his hips. Jo, I’m sorry if I’ve been a grumpy ass, it’s because …because what? She didn’t need to hear about his shit. She had enough going on. Fuck. Maybe just an apology with—


His gaze snapped to the boxy unit beside his bed. A small blue light flashed. Proximity alarm.

Fuck. Griff grabbed his gun from the bed, checked the chamber and moved to the bedroom door, his feet silent on the bare wood. He ducked round the door, gun raised. Jo was at the end of the room, her back to him.

He swung left and right, his heart a fierce rat-a-tat in his chest. The day this got old was the day he retired.

The tension thrumming across his shoulders eased a notch. They were alone. Hostiles were still on the ground floor. He crossed the room, his steps soundless, scanning for immediate danger, as he holstered his gun.

“Jo.” He slid one arm around the curve of her waist, the other across her mouth, and pulled her against his body.

She jerked as he brought his mouth to her ear. “Intruder alarm’s activated. They’re coming for us. Nod if you understand.”

Her head bobbed.

Griff breathed into the softness of her hair. “Good. I’m going to take my hand away from your mouth, but no talking.” He waited for another nod, then released her and pushed her behind him as he lifted his gun to cross the room once more. His ears strained, sensing rather than hearing the presence of invaders below.


This was his home. They did not come here and fuck with his space. He neared the top of the stairs. Light from below shifted against the wall. Movement below. He pushed Jo down to a crouch and made a flattening motion with his hand, telling her to stay put.

Her eyes were wide with fear, but the nod of her head was firm. Determined. The soldier in him locked into place. He’d keep her safe and get her out of here. There was no doubt in his mind.

Shadows danced slowly on the wall to the soft grate of a sole on the concrete floor below and then the subtle difference as the intruder stepped on the first metal step. Griff exhaled, training and years of experience taking over. He counted the steps, the soft scrape and rise till he knew they were one step from the landing.

The faintest shush of fabric.

Now. Griff thrust upward.

The intruder sensed him, spun on the landing just as Griff anticipated. Griff fired twice, silenced bullets punching efficiently into the intruder’s shoulder with a muted thwack, considered shots to incapacitate but not kill.

The intruder slumped against the wall, blood smearing an ugly streak as his legs crumpled in shock. He fired in retaliation, the ricochet immense, but his shot went wide, gouging holes in the ceiling. Powdered plaster showered Griff as he slammed his assailant’s gun hand against the stair rail.

The man screeched like a baby and his gun clattered as it hit the stairs. The racket would attract the rest like bees to honey.

Griff spun, using the wall to give him leverage to shove the man toward the stair edge. He teetered before tumbling into the surprised face of a second man below.

“Jo.” Griff grabbed her arm and yanked her to her feet. Even in the dim light, her complexion was too pale, her lips bluish. Flecks of blood peppered her beautiful face. He swiped them away with his thumb, cupped her cheek. “You alright?” He tightened the straps of her backpack, ensuring it was snug.

Her stunned gaze drifted over his shoulder to the smeared blood on the wall. “Did you...”

Her skin was clammy to the touch. She was in shock, but there wasn’t time to worry about that. Right now, he needed to get her out of here alive.

“Come on.” He took hold of her hand and ushered her down the stairs, keeping his body as a protective shield between her and the two bastards at the bottom of the stairs. The head of the man he’d shot lolled unconscious, but the second man fought to get out from underneath.

Griff let go of her hand and vaulted over the sprawl of men.

He held out his arms to catch her. “Now you.”

She jumped but mid leap, the second man lunged upward, his hand catching her ankle. Jo screamed and tumbled floor-ward. The smack of her body hitting the floor cut through him like a knife.

Incandescent fury erupted inside Griff as he drove his bare heel into the man’s wrist. The crunch of small bones under his foot was scant satisfaction as Jo sobbed and pushed up onto her hands. She snatched her leg free from the shrieking man, clumsy now on her hands and knees.

“Jo, run!”

The man on the ground finally rolled free of his accomplice and staggered to his feet, cradling his injured hand close to his chest. His eyes were slits, bloodless lips drawn back in a wet snarl. “Fucker.”

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