Page 75 of You Only Need One

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Holly claps excitedly before returning her hands to ten and two. “You have their podcasts?”

“Yep. Downloaded a couple this morning. Figured they’d be good driving company.”

“You figured right.” She turns on the blinker and eases into traffic, leaving the city as the GPS directs.

“So, I need to apologize up-front. I’m probably going to fall asleep at some point.” A twinge of shame pinches my gut. “It tends to happen. Like when I’m sitting for long periods …” I trail off.

Holly reaches over, still keeping her eyes on the road, and gives my knee a squeeze. “You do you, Ben. Believe me, I wish I could sleep in the car. Just be warned, you might wake up with some new tattoos on your face, courtesy of my friend Mr. Sharpie.” We’re at a red light, and she flashes me a grin.

“You’re evil.”

“I’m imaginative.” She turns up the volume as I chuckle.

Embarrassment eases from my chest, excitement returning. That’s what Holly does for me—takes the bad and morphs it into good. That’s why she’s the perfect companion for this trip. There will be times on this adventure when sadness will try to push its way in and drown me.

Holly might believe this getaway is for her benefit. Selfishly, it’s really me who needs her company in order to combat some dragons lurking in my past.



This road is creepy, lit only by my headlights, crowded on all sides by thick swaths of trees. At one point, I slow down to five below the speed limit because this place is just begging for a deer to jump out in front of the bumper. Then, I’d swerve into a tree, destroying the car, and the ax murder who had trained his pet deer to crash cars would have no trouble picking Ben and me off as we stood, stranded, on the side of this forgotten road.

I don’t get out of the city much.

My overactive imagination goes to town on my nerves, and I need Ben to wake up to distract me. He lasted about thirty minutes into the drive before his head lolled to the side, his steady, slow breathing signaling he was asleep. I don’t begrudge him his nap. Marcus gets tired easily, too. That’s what happens when your organs don’t function properly. It’s like your body is constantly trying to reboot itself.

But nap time is over. The GPS claims we’ll arrive in about twenty-five minutes, and I need reassurance there’s actually a destination at the end of this winding road.

“Ben,” I speak softly, hoping to draw him out of sleep gradually. “Ben?”

No dice. His face is still pressed up against the edge of the car door with his mouth parted. The pose is adorable. Doesn’t mean I’m not going to wake him up.

“Benny, time to get up!” Now, I’ve transitioned into singsong.

He shifts a bit, and I think I’m successful. Then, he starts snoring.

Oh, heck no.

“Ben! The cops are on our tail!” My shout fills the car.

He shoots up, bleary, wild eyes searching for sirens or flashing lights. My chuckle brings his gaze to me.

“Glad you could join me, sleeping beauty. How was your nap?”

He grimaces at me, and I’m tickled to see him dragging his forearm over his mouth, wiping away a drop of drool that leaked out. Next, he massages his neck, discomfort clear on his face.

“Think I slept weird.”

“You should have reclined the seat, cotton brains.”

“Cotton brains?”

“Yep. Brains made of cotton. Now, take a look around and assure me that the GPS hasn’t taken us the wrong way. Like to a haunted mansion or something.”

Ben stares out the window, searching the dark forest. I’m not sure why I think he’ll be able to recognize the uninhabited stretch of road, but I can hope. Glancing at the GPS, he manipulates the screen to read the upcoming directions.

“Yep,” he says, sitting back in his chair. “We’re right where we need to be.”

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