Page 5 of You Only Need One

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The laughter dies off.


The silence is more tempting than the noise, and I can’t hold back the urge to check on Mr. Annoyingly Attractive. His smile is gone. Instead, he appears puzzled as he glances between my brother and me.

I don’t have time to wonder about him any longer because the door beside reception swings open.

A woman in watermelon-colored scrubs appears and reads off her clipboard. “We’re ready for the Gerhards and the Fosters now.”

As I stand, I scan the room, trying to get my first look at Mr. Gerhard. But the only person who stands up besides Marcus and me is Mr. Getting-on-My-Nerves Gorgeous.

Oh no.

“You?” I can’t hide my disbelief. I shake my head to clear it. Or to deny the truth.

He’s too young!

I just stuck my tongue out at him!

This can’t be right!

The guy looks just as confused as I am, gaze flitting between me and the woman sitting in the chair next to mine. I’m still convinced that he is joking and will sit back down. But then he says one word, and my fate is sealed.



I do my best to play catch-up as our group settles around the conference table. I stared like an idiot in the waiting room, but now, I try not to gawk at the girl sitting across from me.

No, not the girl. Holly. Holly Foster.

Apparently, I was way off base, thinking my donor would be a middle-aged woman. Instead, I’ve got this little brunette, sexy in a girl-next-door kind of way, with heart-shaped lips and the ability to sass me without speaking a word.

I’m not sure if she’s going to save me or destroy me.

Dr. Stevens and a woman I expect is this lovely girl’s physician both lean over a laptop. They’re probably getting the Skype session set up, what with my cousin joining us long distance. I take advantage of the free moment to force the blood back to my brain, so I can avoid making an ass of myself.

Other than her hilarious exchange with me and the first moment of recognition when our names were called out, Holly hasn’t glanced my way. I should be grateful, but instead, I miss having those coffee-brown eyes glaring at me.

Okay, so our first interaction was slightly awkward. But that doesn’t change things. Now, I have a face to pair with the name. Now, I know who is willing to undergo surgery to save my life.

And I have to admit, kissing this Holly’s feet is more appealing than doing so with my first assumption. Kissing other parts of this Holly is tempting, too. Like the delicate hand she’s tapping on the table. Or maybe the soft cheek that blushed red when she realized who I was. Possibly that pouty bottom lip she’s nibbling on at the moment.

Whoa. Pump the brakes. Put it back in your pants.

I give myself a firm mental shake and try to dump a proverbial bucket of ice water on my overly excited brain.

I cannot fantasize about making out with my organ donor. There has to be a rule somewhere that says that. Like in the Bible or something. I definitely feel like I should go to hell for the thoughts of what I want to do to her mouth.

Trying to take my mind off of forbidden fantasies, I turn my attention to Holly’s brother, Marcus. I’m guessing they aren’t full siblings, based on the differing skin tones. Holly is the color of whipped cream, light and pale. Marcus’s skin is much darker. If I were painting them, I’d use alabaster for her and russet for him. I can see the relation more in the shape of their faces and the set of their eyes.

“You’ve probably guessed by now, but I’m Marcus.”

Shaking the hand he offers me, I smile in response to his amused grin. He probably saw his sister’s antics in the waiting room.

“Good to meet you. I’m Ben.” Under the pretense of being polite but really because I need to hear her speak, I turn to hold my hand out to his sister. “And you must be Holly Foster. My knight in shining armor.”

She blinks and then gives me her hand, rewarding me with a smile even though it does appear tight around the edges. “At your service.”

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