Page 27 of You Only Need One

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“But, please …” Sammy gives a very convincing, sad puppy-dog face.

Jasper sighs in defeat. “Fine. But, if you puke in my car, we’re going to Pat’s. Got it?”


“Okay, now, pay Holly for your drinks.” Jasper talks to him like a dad would to his toddler. It’s adorable.

I already have Sammy’s tab closed out and his receipt ready to be signed, which he does with a dramatic flourish.

“Nice to meet you, Holly. Thanks for the drinks. And the kidney.” He bends at the waist in a low bow, catching me off guard. The formalness of the gesture is effectively ruined when he pops up, shoves Jasper, and yells, “Race you to the car!” before sprinting away.

“Goddamn it, Sammy! Wait up!” Jasper throws a bill on the bar and runs after him.

When I glance at Ben, he’s just shaking his head and chuckling. He’s probably used to their shenanigans.

“I like your friends. They’re fun.” I’m still smiling as I collect their payment but stop short when I see the amounts. First off, Jasper paid me twenty bucks for one drink, and secondly, Sammy gave me a one hundred percent tip. “Shoot. You might want to text them to come back. They both way overpaid me.”

Ben glances at the receipt and bill when I show him but just gives a shrug. “Don’t worry about it. That’s normal.”

Ah, apparently, Jasper and Sammy are just as well off as Ben’s family. Still, I hesitate.

“Are you sure? I meant to treat you, not swindle your friends out of money.” Even if accepting it would take a good chunk out of this month’s electricity bill.

“Seriously, Holly. It’s not a big deal.”

Maybe not to him. Reluctantly, I slip the receipt into the register and cash out the tip.

“Do you want another?” When I look back at Ben, he’s covering a jaw-cracking yawn.

The poor guy notices me watching and smiles apologetically. “Sorry. I’m not bored, I swear.”

“Come on, Ben. I get it.” I reach over and pat his arm. “You’re doing better than Marcus. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen him stay up later than eleven. Even on New Year’s Eve.” As I retract my hand, I take his glass with me. “I’m going to have to cut you off and send you home. Driving while tired is as bad as driving drunk.” My stern voice returns, but I take road safety very seriously.

The slow curve of his lips causes a strange clenching sensation in my abdomen. That’s been happening a lot tonight. First was when I met his eyes and found no glasses barricading me from the smooth dark green of his irises. Then, there was the moment when he ran his fingers through his red-gold hair as he laughed at one of Jasper’s jokes. And, now, that sleepy smile is triggering it again.



This is something I need to address when I am alone.

“You’re probably right.”

“You’ll find, I usually am.”

His smile grows wider at my retort.

Ben slides off his stool, and now, I’m kicking myself for saying he should go. Getting through the last part of my shift seems like torture now that I won’t have my distraction here.

“Thanks again. For the car, I mean. But also for hanging out with me. You made the night go by faster.”

Ben leans his arms on the bar. The fabric strains over his forearms, and I’m tempted to reach out and touch him. Instead, I pick up an empty glass and pretend to dry it off just to keep my hands busy.

“You’re welcome. I had fun.” He stands up straight but hesitates, drumming his fingers on the bar surface.

I don’t want him to go. He should though. I think I need him to.

“So, I guess I’ll see you around.”

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