Page 21 of You Only Need One

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“It’s gotten worse though. He doesn’t do anything other than shove his head in books all day. He needs to take a break. By trickery or by force.”

I move to stack my unopened textbooks off to the side of my bed. “Okay. I’m on board. What’s the plan?”

Jasper takes a beat before answering, “Well, we’re already heading to a bar, so that’s a start. We just need to get him to come with us.” He pauses again before continuing, “I’ll think of something. You just be at the car in twenty minutes and go along with whatever I say. Got it?”

“Aye, aye, captain.”

He grins at my mock salute, flipping me off before walking away.

I pull on a clean shirt after reapplying deodorant. Because I’m not likely to fall asleep at a bar, I opt to put in my contacts. Run a comb through my hair, spray on cologne, and I’m good to go.

Tonight should be interesting. Bars aren’t my normal hangout, seeing as how I don’t drink anymore. Alcohol messes with my delicate hydration balance. Not to mention, I don’t want to put strain on any of my other organs. That goes for my liver.

When I walk out to the driveway, Sammy is already sitting in the front seat of Jasper’s Mustang. I have to admit, he looks like a different person without a textbook in front of him. His fingers drum impatiently on the dashboard. I wonder what story Jasper came up with.

The moment I slide into the backseat, Sammy turns to throw questions at me. “What do you know about this speaker? Jasper said that he’s discussing corporate law, but that’s all he said. Do you at least know his name?” Sammy already has the internet browser up on his phone, ready to Google whatever answer I give.

I’ve never met a person who loves to research as much as Sammy.

Unable to lie as smoothly as Jasper, I decide to play the ignorant card. “Sorry, I don’t know any more than you do. Didn’t know there was a speaker until Jasper told me. Where is he anyway?” I’m proud of my smooth subject change.

“Looking for his wallet.”

“He’s going to take forever. He left it on the back of the upstairs toilet. Why was he even taking his wallet out then?”

I’ve lost Sammy’s attention, as my roommate explores the university’s news updates, likely looking for tonight’s fictional speaker. Worried we’ll be found out, I text Jasper the location of his wallet.

Another minute or so passes before he slides into the driver’s seat.

“I can’t find anything on this guy. Are you sure tonight is when he’s coming to talk?” Sammy holds up his phone as evidence, but Jasper ignores it, turning the car on and backing out of the driveway.

“Trust me, Sammy.”

“It’s not that I don’t trust you. I just think you were misinformed.”

“So, just because you can’t find anything on it means it’s not happening?”

Since I’m in the backseat, I don’t have to fight the grin pushing at my cheeks. Jasper loves messing with Sammy.

“It doesn’t make sense that they wouldn’t put anything on the university’s events calendar.”

“Maybe you didn’t look closely enough.” His voice is steady, as if he’s not lying straight out of his ass.

“I looked close. Maybe you didn’t look close,” Sammy mutters the words as he returns to scrolling through his phone.

I can’t help a snort that escapes, but I quickly cough to cover up my lapse. Fortunately, Sammy is too absorbed in proving Jasper wrong to notice, but I meet J’s eyes in the rearview mirror and watch them crinkle with a hidden smile.

Getting to the bar doesn’t take long; it’s the parking that’s hell. As we’re circling another block, I spot a familiar vehicle.

“There’s my car!”

“Why is your car here? And why aren’t we on campus?” Sammy glances between the two of us, obviously suspicious.

I’m sure we’re found out, but Jasper is a manipulative ninja.

“We have to make a pit stop first. Ben lent Holly his car.”

“Who’s Holly?”

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