Page 134 of You Only Need One

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Terra’s affronted huff bursts through the phone. “You shut your mouth! I’ve never been called boring in my life! If Faith were here, she could give you a detailed description of just how exciting our reunion—”

“Stop!” Even though she can’t see me, I wave my hand, as if to ward her off. “I do not want a play-by-play of your sex life.”

“Why not? I’m really good.” From the tone of her voice, she’s clearly grinning.

“I don’t doubt it. But I’d never be able to look Faith in the eye again. If you start talking about you two, I’m going to lay out in vivid detail what Ben and I do in bed. You want to hear all about his penis?”

“Bleh. I don’t know why you bother with those things. Vaginas are so much prettier.”

“I’m sure he agrees with you.”

For a second, we’re quiet. I don’t know who breaks first, but all of a sudden, we’re both laughing hysterically. She might have been wrong about me crying, but my roommate was right about me missing her. Terra can make me smile, no matter how down I am.

As I catch my breath, I pick up my notebook and scan the list I wrote out earlier, ticking items off as I go.

“Did you ever give me back my blue scarf?”

“Nope. Should be somewhere in my room. You need it?”

Crap, not sure I’d ever be able to find something in the clothing hurricane Terra calls a bedroom.

“I guess not. I’m just packing.”

“I thought you weren’t going to your dad’s until Monday.”

With the surgery coming up, I decided to get settled at his house before the holiday.

“So? What’s wrong with being proactive?”

I can almost hear her eye roll through the phone. “Come on, girl. Take a break. Watch some TV. Paint your nails. Read a book. Fool around with your man. You two hanging out tonight to celebrate the end of the semester?”

If she were in the room with me, Terra would know instantly that something was wrong. She can read my face almost as well as my brother can. But, today, I can give her the vague truth without being interrogated.

“Not sure. I’m waiting to hear back from him.”

For a few minutes, Terra’s silliness distracts me from Ben’s silence, but the minute we hang up, I’m stuck on it again.

And kind of worried.

Could something have happened to him?

No, that can’t be it. Someone definitely would have called me. Jasper knows we’re dating, and Ben’s probably told his parents at this point, too. They’ve all got my number.

So, it’s got to be that he’s busy.

Or maybe his phone broke, and he’ll show up any minute, apologizing for leaving me hanging.

Or maybe he doesn’t want to see me.

Stop it. Don’t think like that.

But the insecurity weasels its way into my head.

I thought we were equally into each other. I thought he was as desperate to spend time with me as I was with him. The surety I have about our relationship, the understanding of how things stand, suddenly feels like trying to clutch a bar of wet soap as it slips out of my hands.

When did I give up all my control?


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