Page 122 of You Only Need One

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There are only a few more points on the agenda before we can wrap up our last meeting of the semester. Somehow, I’m able to make it through them all without stumbling even though a set of green eyes in the back of the room has my pulse stepping up its rhythm.

Ben decided he wanted to be more active in student organizations, apparently starting with Habitat for Humanity. He’s lounging in his seat, a notebook on the desk in front of him, like he’s actually writing down what I’m saying when I’m sure he’s just doodling his random, perfect pictures. He’s got a silly smirk on his face as he watches me speak. No glasses today and looking edible in his black thermal and fitted jeans. I’m not the only admirer Ben has. From my vantage point, I notice some of the female members casually turning in their chairs, attempting to check him out.

Normally, I’m a peaceful leader, preferring to solve problems with calm discussions. But, tonight, I’m about to challenge these girls to a street fight if they don’t get their eyes off my man.

But is he mine?

I don’t know, and that makes my skin itch.

Am I really going to be the one who brings up commitment first?

That’s so out of character.

Then, I meet Ben’s eyes, and he shoots me a wink.

Who gives a flying monkey’s butt if it’s out of character?

This is the fourth day in a row that we’ve hung out, and I’m speeding through my list just so I can go talk to him.

I want him. I want all of him.

“So, if no one has any questions …” I hesitate, taking my gaze off Ben to scan the room.

Only about half of the members are here; most everyone else is either studying or has already left for winter break. No one raises their hand.

“Okay. Then, that concludes this meeting. I’ll see you all in the spring.”

People begin chatting or head for the door.

Slowly, I gather my notes, trying not to appear too eager even though I’m ready to sprint across the room. Turns out, I don’t have to.

“Power looks good on you.” Ben leans on the front of the podium, grinning down at me.

“Oh, really? You like seeing me tell people what to do?”

Ben’s gaze heats up as he traces my face with his eyes. “I like it when you tell me what to do.”

“Hmm.” I make a decision then. We’re going to talk. And then we’re going to do more than talk. “Ben?”


“Go get the car and meet me out front. We’re going back to my place.”

He doesn’t even try to suppress the lust in his stare. “Yes, ma’am.” With swift steps, he heads out of the room.

Suddenly, I’m too hot but in a good way. Like when I’ve been walking in the cold and then step into a steaming shower. My skin tightens, and my cheeks flush.

If just the thought of being more intimate with Ben does this to me, what’s going to happen when we actually have sex? Will I faint?

Please don’t let me faint during sex.

With that mantra running through my head, I weave around the few people left, mouthing good-byes to those who make eye contact, and head toward the front door. The evening air cools my skin, and I tug my coat tighter.

That’s when I see him.

Roderick is leaning on his car just a bit of a ways past the building entrance. When he notices me, he gives a big wave and gestures me over.

Since I don’t see Ben, I hesitantly walk to where my ex-hook-up is waiting.

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