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Dad gets back then, a new glass of scotch in his hand, and I catch his grimace.

Mom waves dismissively. “I tolerated her because you liked her. And I cracked open a bottle of champagne the day you told me it was over.”

I start to snort in disbelief, but then my dad gives a confirming nod.

“Glad I didn’t pop the question then. Good to know you two would’ve let me hang myself.”

She reaches over to pat my hand. “We knew you’d eventually figure it out. And, now, you have a better idea of what to avoid. Time to look for a girl who cares about more than just herself. Someone with a good head on her shoulders. Like your donor, Holly.”

I made the mistake of taking a drink when she said that, and half the water gets snorted up my nose in surprise. As I choke and cough, my dad gives me some unhelpful slaps on the back, and my mom keeps talking, like her son isn’t dry-drowning in front of her.

“I mean, not her, obviously. But someone like her.”

When I can breathe, I respond, though my voice comes out raspy, “Why not her?”

“Ha-ha. Very funny. You just can’t stop with the jokes today, can you?”

My heart sinks at her response.

“But, seriously, any new girls catching your eye?”

After what she just said, I know telling her about Holly and me won’t turn out well. Getting into a fight right when we’re about to be stuck next to each other for hours isn’t recommended.

So, again, I evade by using a vague version of the truth. “When I have a girlfriend, I promise I’ll let you know.”

Holly’s technically not my girlfriend yet even though I want her to be, so this only feels a little bit like lying.

The overhead speakers announce the flight to Denver has begun boarding, saving me from further prying. As my parents fumble with their rolling bags, I take the opportunity to pull out my phone again and shoot off a quick text.

Ben: About to board. Text u tonight.

When I’m settling into my seat, my phone vibrates in my pocket.

Holly: Have fun! And don’t join the Mile-High Club without me! ;)

Hell, I already miss her.


Pops’s kitchen has never smelled so good. Just because there are only three of us doesn’t keep me from pulling out all the stops. I run through my list again.

1. Turkey

2. Mashed potatoes

3. Green beans

4. Cranberry sauce

5. Sweet potato casserole

6. Dinner rolls

7. Corn on the cob

8. Gravy

9. Applesauce

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