Page 107 of You Only Need One

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“Now, we need the photographic evidence. Mr. Foster, would you do the honors?” Ben holds out his phone to my dad, who watches my date with such obvious befuddlement that I can’t help snickering.

After Pops accepts the phone, Ben pulls me into his arms. He wraps them around my waist, holding me from behind in the classic prom pose. I can’t even fully bask in how his snug embrace eases away any remaining nerves. I’m too busy dying of laughter.

In every picture my dad takes, I’m sure my eyes are closed.

“Great. Thanks for that.” My insane date accepts his phone back, sliding it into his pocket. He grins down at me. “You ready to go?”

Before answering, I have to take a deep inhale through my nose. “Just need to put my shoes on and grab my coat. Be right back.”

Giggles still sneak out of me as I walk down the hall and give the two men a moment alone.


Mr. Foster is staring at me.

Getting stared at is uncomfortable under normal circumstances, but Holly’s dad piles a giant load of intimidation on top of it. The guy has to be at least half a foot taller than me and packing more muscle than I could hope to have, even when I was healthy. The man looks like he belongs on a football field, knocking men down so hard that they’d question whether they even want to get back up.

And I just walked into his house, expecting to take out his daughter.

He’s got to know how beautiful she is, and he can definitely guess at some of the not-so-family-friendly thoughts I have rattling around in my head whenever I see her.

I try not to look guilty.

“So, you’re getting my daughter’s kidney?”

His question catches me off guard. I’ve been so excited about our date; I kind of forgot about that other aspect of our relationship.

“Yes, I am. And I’m extremely grateful. Holly’s amazing.”

“She is.” Mr. Foster remains expressionless. “Is this standard practice? Dating your donor?”

Fuck me.

Seems like Holly’s dad isn’t a fan of me for more than just the normal reasons a guy might not like the person taking out his daughter.

That sucks, but I’m not about to back off just because he’s being protective.

“Probably not. But, the way I see it, Holly’s worth bending the rules for.” I return his gaze, trying to let him know that I’m not some bum just looking to get in her pants. That I care about her.

He gives a noncommittal grunt as his daughter comes up behind him.

“You done with the intimidating staring? Told him he’d better treat me right or else he’d have you to answer to?”

She smirks at her father, and the guy’s stony expression cracks with a half-smile.

“Nah, that’s silly.” One of his eyebrows creeps upward. “He does you wrong, and I’ve no doubt you can take care of him yourself.” Then, he turns to me, his face splitting open in a blinding smile, his teeth shining bright against his ebony skin. “I’ll just be around to help you hide the body.”

I can still hear his booming laughter as we walk to the car.

“He likes you.” Holly grins over at me from the driver’s seat.

I’m not sure I agree with her, but I smile back. “What’s not to like?”

She snorts, shaking her head, and then reaches over to interlace her fingers with mine, steering the car one-handed. “Where are we going?”

“It’s a surprise. Take a left up here.”

“You and your surprises.” Holly follows my direction and then starts humming along to the radio.

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