Page 73 of Ninth Circle

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Now she’s prancing around, getting ready to sit down for the interview that I had somehow been roped into doing along with her. She went with Grace Kelly for her wedding gown, but the Chanel suit she chose for the interview was all Jackie-O.

The team that came, with the editor and production team, whom I was sure were here to get a look at my wife because they weren’t needed, had done her hair and makeup, and she was wearing some of the jewelry pieces my family had gifted her.

I recognized some of the pieces and knew that she had blended pieces from both sides of my ancestry. I did not appreciate being stuffed into a bloody suit on my beach holiday, but when I grumbled about it, she told me to suck it up and stop being a whiny bitch.

I had never in my life been spoken to like that, and when I mentioned that fact, she’d snorted and told me to get over myself. I think it was then that I realized yet another reason I had fallen so hard and so fast for her. She doesn’t give a shit about who I am or what I own; she treats me the same way I’ve seen her treat the staff.

They, too, have taken to asking her for her preferences while ignoring mine, which I guess is fair since she is the lady of the house. But I’m accustomed to being the one who commands attention in any room I am in. My wife, simply put, has overshadowed me without trying.

I have no doubt that my friends are going to be the same. They’re dying to meet her, and I have about a million text messages to prove it. The jealous streak I didn’t know I had reared its ugly head, though, when one of my closest acquaintances going all the way back to Pre-school made the mistake of telling me he had checked her out online and found her to be gorgeous.

When I envisioned reaching through the phone to strangle his ass to death, I realized I was in no hurry to introduce her to those bastards. Maybe after our third child while she was pregnant with the fourth. Then and only then would they be allowed to meet.

I’d had my people scrub that Tinder shit until there was not a trace left of her short-lived presence on the app and threatened her life if she ever did that shit again. She didn’t seem too bothered by my threat though, which leads me to believe that I had lost the battle even before leaving the honeymoon.

Dad had given me some solid advice on how to keep the peace by simply always agreeing with her. I tried and got a lecture. What was it that she’d said? “Never give anyone exactly what they want all the time because once you’ve done that, what more can they want from you? Nothing!”

She’s as brilliant as she is nuts.

I like listening to her thought processes and philosophies on life because they are unlike anything I've ever heard before. “Are you ready?” I looked at my watch as she put her last earring in before it was time to head downstairs, where the reporter was waiting.

I missed most of what was being said because interviews always bore me half to death, so I zoned out when she started discussing her new family, meaning mine, and how welcoming they had been, all of which I already knew.

I dialed back in when the conversation took a turn, and my antenna went up. “Oh, I know nothing about his past or who he dated; that’s never come up. In fact, I was engaged to someone else the day we met, and our meeting was strictly professional, of course.”

“So, you knew who he was then.”

“Of course, like I said, we were there on business. Anyway, I fell victim to the cliched story of coming home earlier than expected, only to find my lover in bed with another woman. But you know what they say, everything happens for a reason.”

“Don’t take this the wrong way, but I have to ask. You say that you knew nothing about his past affairs, but surely you must know by now. What do you say to the people who wonder why he chose you instead of…. well, you know, anyone else?”

“People can learn a lot from kids. Have you ever noticed that you can buy a kid the most expensive gift in the world, and they’ll still prefer the box it came in. They don’t need the overpriced goody inside to make them happy.”

“Those kids grow up to be men and women with the same mentality because when you are a kid, you are your truest self.”

“Very well put.” He looked down at his notes.

“You say you were engaged to be married, and it’s come to our attention that instead of canceling the wedding, you and your family decided to turn it into a family reunion of sorts.”

“That’s right. Everything was already paid for, and I’d already taken the time off along with everyone else, so there was really no point in wasting it, was there?”

“So tell me the story of how you two came to get married at the wedding you had planned with someone else.”

“That was all him. Yes, Garrett called me up the day before I was supposed to get married, if I remember correctly, with some story about needing my signature. We met later that night for dinner, and things progressed from there.”

“So it’s a rebound thing.”

“I’m not the rebound type.”

Oh, careful buddy, careful. There was a bit of a bite in her tone just then. “As I was saying, for him, it was love at first sight; trust me, I did my best to avoid the attraction that I had ignored at that first meeting, but since there was no fiancé in the way stopping me and Garrett became persistent, there was really no point in not going through with it was there?”

“And you, Mr. Jacobi, you have said in an earlier interview that it was love at first. How has that held up in the days since the wedding?”

“Even better! I’m more excited about waking up next to her every day than I was when I was on the way to making my first billion.”

From the way she was beaming, I guess I had given the right answers, and I finally figured out what the hell this whole thing was about. It was all for Natalie. She is one vicious little girl.

All that talk about the family jewels, that was twofold. For one, my parents will appreciate that she was genuinely listening when they described each piece to her, and for another, Natalie will no doubt be reminded that she could’ve been the one wearing them.

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