Page 56 of Ninth Circle

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“Who the fuck is this bitch trying to destroy my life?” I mindlessly reached out and smacked the flea I saw on the dashboard and chased another from buzzing around my ear. I was too preoccupied scrolling through the comments to pay attention to the fact that the little bastards had followed me into the car as well.


“Where the hell is my car?” I’m sure this is where it was parked.”

“What’s the matter, Dad?” I stood in the spot and looked down at my ticket again and then back up at the number on the pole.

Brian and Cam had already gone to Brian’s car which is how they’d driven here a few days ago. I came on my own while my daughter and her Mom drove with my youngest son and his wife because she had planned to stay longer than the rest of us and was going to Uber back to her place upon return.

But now she was married, granted it was to someone else, but still. Why the hell are my thoughts rambling? “What the hell happened to my car?” The others stopped on their way out of the parking garage when they saw us just standing there, and something was going on with them as well. It’s like the world had gone mad or somebody was pranking the Archers.

“What the hell is all over you, Brian?” He was shining from head to toe and the windows of his Escalade looked like the Macy’s Day Parade. There was confetti or glitter or whatever the hell the kids call it all over him and everyone in the damn vehicle. Brian looked pissed.

“Glitter bomb!” That’s all he said, and it made no sense. “What’s your deal?”

“My car is gone.” There was a car in the spot where mine was supposed to be, but it made no sense. “Trey, give me a ride to the gate so I can clear this up.”

“Come on!” I followed him with Gigi, who was still down in the dumps.

Our daughter hasn’t answered our calls since the day after her wedding when we told her the truth, and my wife is taking it hard. Our son-in-law had promised to talk to her but even he had made it clear that we were not to bother her until she was ready.

I know my girl is headstrong, and I expected her to have a strong reaction, but nothing like this. I almost prefer that she take a bat to my ass again than shut her mother out the way she has been. Although it’s been years since Gigi started therapy, and she has come a long way, I still worry that every little thing is going to set her back.

We reached Trey’s car and got in with him and Jilly upfront and Gigi and me in the backseat after loading our luggage in the trunk of his GMC truck. I was about to say something when something exploded as soon as he turned on the truck, and my mouth was filled with little pieces of crap.

“What the hell is going on?” Jilly for some reason, started laughing her ass off and shaking her head while Trey and I were furious. “Alyssa did this. I don’t know how, but I’ll bet my last dollar my child is behind this.” I looked at Gigi like she was nuts as Trey pulled out and drove to where his brother was waiting for us.

Brian took one look at us and rolled down his window. “Alyssa!” The three boys seemed to be on the same page as their mother. My eldest daughter-in-law was the only one with any sense.

“I don’t see how. She’s miles away from here.”

“Her husband has more money than the national deficit. My money is on them.”

“Well, shit! She’s crazy as it is; the last thing we need is her going rogue with all that money behind her.” Cameron didn’t seem too bothered though his ass was covered from his head to his chest, which was as much as I could see.

“I think what you all should be worried about isn’t glitter.”

“What do you mean, Penny?”

“This is your sister we’re talking about. Dad, I think you can forget asking these people about your car, knowing her it’s probably up a tree or in a swamp somewhere. Let’s hope she didn’t booby trap the houses.”

Well, that put a damper on everyone else’s mood and we stayed there arguing the logistics of whether or not my daughter had been responsible. “I’ll tan her little hide but good if she’s behind this.”

“No, no one is doing shit to my sister.”

“It was just a joke, Brian. Calm down; she’s my daughter, after all.” These boys act like she’s more theirs than mine.

“She’s not answering me. Jilly?” Trey asked his wife to check, which she and my other two daughters-in-law did.

“I’m not blocked.”

“Me neither.”

“Nor me.”

“So it’s just us. Daisy, why don’t you call her and…”

“Nope, nope, I will not betray her trust like that. You’re on your own, Bri. I’m not stepping into the line of fire.”

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