Page 39 of Ninth Circle

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From the looks of it, she hadn’t slept a wink, which made sense because of all the fleas that had taken over her house, well, Dad’s house. A house he’s about to lose once I have it condemned.

The icing on the cake is that it’s already paid off, and oops, the insurance lapsed, the insurance that Helen was responsible for since she’s the one who handles the bills with her broke ass.

Dad’s going to lose his shit in more ways than one by the time he gets back home and finds everything that I have waiting there for him. When I started all this, the only thing I didn’t factor in was the billionaire who now sits beside me talking to someone in my state about having Dad’s house condemned.

“Do you want it demolished, or do you want her to leave and allow an exterminator….”

“Demolished!” I didn’t have to think twice, and here’s why. When she forced my Dad to buy that house, it was to one-up my mother. She bragged for years about how her house was better and in a better neighborhood.

Not that our family home was shabby or anything, but their house did cost more. This was at about the same time she made my Dad take Mom to court to lower the alimony and child support which he didn’t win, thankfully, or that judge would be on my shit list now too. There are only so many days in the damn week, and I’m already stretched thin.

My plan is to dismantle the life they built on my and my family’s heartache, and when it’s all done, I’ll be sure to let her know that it was my doing. I want the satisfaction of spitting in her eye, so to speak.

“Shit?” I waited until he hung up the phone.

“What is it?”

“The others will be here soon. That means I won’t get to see her reaction live.” I pouted, and hubby leaned over and kissed my lip.

“Don’t pout. I’ll be sure to distract them at the right moment so you can see.”

I clapped my hands and went back to my breakfast, suddenly ravenous. I think this one is trying to get on my good side because he always knows the right things to say or do. Hah, I’m not falling for it. Though, I think I could get used to him and his way of doing things.

I guess him knowing me so well has its good points, after all. “So, what’s the verdict?”

“Someone from the city will pay her a visit. Since the infestation is this bad, she’d be forced to move immediately. The city usually gives some kind of stipend for a hotel stay but I’m guessing you don’t want that, so we’ll forego that.”

“How long is all this going to take?”

“Usually, it takes weeks, sometimes months.

“I don’t have that kind of time. I want it gone by the time he reaches home in a few days.”

“Are you sure?” I just gave him a look.

“I never do anything I’m not sure about.”

“Yes, ma’am. Well, to answer your question, she’d be getting that knock on the door in a couple of hours, and she’d have to vacate the property immediately. She won’t be able to take anything with her unless an exterminator processes it first, and since there won’t be one available at the time, I guess she’d be leaving empty-handed. I figured that’s what you would want.”

“You figured right.” No money, daughter in jail, husband thousands of miles away. My eight-year-old heart was beaming.


While I still had some time before my family arrived, I decided to start putting the final nail in Helen’s coffin. Now see, Helen hasn’t worked in years, but she still keeps in touch with her old work buddies because they’re the only people she can lord it over since her skeezy ass married up.

Also, she and Dad are members of the country club set, and she loves her Saturday Brunch and afternoon teas, in short, all the things Mom was a part of before she decided to crawl into her skin to take over her life. Her reputation is very important to her, and her standing in the community is like the air she breathes.

Since I’m not ready to show my hand just yet, that’s where Rhoda comes into play. I started my campaign with hints and innuendo. ‘Which bed-hopping harlot who stole a whole ass married man from his family had to threaten his job when he wanted to go back to his wife fifteen years ago?’

I dropped that in the community forum and hit send. Knowing the older generation in my community, tongues were going to get to wagging before noon. It’s Sunday, so the church crowd would have something to chew over after service because no one gossips more than church-going grandmas.

If they don’t get it by nightfall, I’ll be sure to drop a hint or two just to get them headed in the right direction. Now, I have information on Helen and her daughter that I have been collecting for years, but the folders hubby gave me as part of my wedding gift had even more.

There were some things I always suspected, like the fact that once a cheat, always a cheat, and yes, she’d cheated on my idiot Dad more than once in the last fifteen years, but I didn’t feel bad for him, in fact, that made me very happy. I relish the idea of rubbing it in his face, but not just yet. I’ll wait until he is at his lowest, then strike.

I abhor him almost as much as I do her and her kid, and the only thing saving him is the fact that we share blood. I never discussed the divorce and what it did to me. I stopped somewhere around the age of twelve, a good four years after everything was turned upside down.

That was about the time I realized that my Dad was a piece of shit. Whether he had decided to lay in the bed he’d made and screw everything else, I don’t know. But I know when he allowed Helen and her daughter to bully me when he would cancel my events at her behest, that I started to despise him.

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