Page 118 of Ninth Circle

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“How else am I going to know anything?”

“Typical fucking female.”

“Which of you is Marcus?” The one Garrett called Blair raised his hand. “Where is Jacks?”

“Who?” He looked at Garrett. “Oh, so that’s what you were calling her. No wonder I couldn’t find her.” He seemed a bit salty and I had no idea what the hell they were talking about.

They didn’t tell me why they were there, but from what little I’d heard standing outside the door, I figured it had something to do with the men who had turned up to the party where Mitzie was almost violated.

“Does she know?” The one called Lyon asked Garrett.

“Do I know what?”

“What you saved those girls from. How did you know to send in help?”

“I didn’t, Jacks, recognized one of them or two; I can’t remember.”

Marcus Blair looked at the other men in the room before looking back at me. “What did she say exactly?”

“Nothing much, just that they were bad news. Why? What’s going on? Is Jacks in some kind of trouble?”

“She is, but not the kind you mean. So, you don’t know them, you don’t know anything about them. What about the Peter guy?”

“I don’t know him either; this was the first I heard of any of them. Mitzie might know more, I guess since she was staying with him as far as I know.”

“And where is this Mitzie?”

“She went abroad for school; what’s this about? You guys are scaring me.”

“We need to speak to this Mitzie person.” I started to protest, but Garrett gave me a nod. I just wrote her number down and gave it to him since he didn’t look like no was part of his vocabulary.

“Okay, we have to head back to the island, then we’ll head to New York once we’ve got more.”

“What about the stuff you got from his house?” Garrett asked, and my head was on a swivel again. Whose house? What the hell were they talking about?

“We’ve packed it up to take with us. Keep your ear to the ground, Jacobi, and keep your woman out of trouble. Let’s go. Blair, you can fuck him up on your own time.” Marcus was glaring at Garrett, who was pretending not to notice when Lyon made that announcement.

“You and me, bud, once this is all over.”

“Would you calm down? She’s in one piece, and she got the help she needed.”

“Yeah, well, I should’ve been the one helping her.”

“You? You would’ve browbeat her into having your way.”

“So now you’re telling me how to handle my woman?”

“No, I’m just saying that as your friend, I chose the lesser of two evils. She needed time to heal, and you, well, you’re too damn hotheaded for your own good. What do you think Lyon?”

“I think if it was my woman, they’d still be extracting my foot from your ass.”

The one called Mancini, who had yet to speak, grinned and got to his feet. “And on that note! We’d better get a move on; we don’t want the trail to run cold. Once those assholes realize their guys are gone, they’re going to be on the move.”

He reached his hand out to Garrett, “Nice to see you again.” Marcus grumbled something but still hugged Garrett in one of those awkward man hugs with a clap on the back.

“By the way, you fight like a dude,” Lyon said as he passed me to leave the room with the others following behind.

“How does he know how I fight?”

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